

Decision Made & Date

Decision type

Decision Maker

5-day agenda publication

Waiving of Call-In

Special Urgency*

Reason for Urgency

To submit the Council’s response to the Lower Thames Crossing – Local Refinement Consultation


(17 June 2022)


Other Material Decision

Lead Member for Planning and Infrastructure, Cllr Paul Cooper




To allow the response to be submitted by the 20 June 2022 deadline.

To submit the Council’s Food Safety Plan 2022-23 to the Food Standards Agency


(Decision due 14 July 2022)

Other Material Decision.


Exempt Appendix included.

(para 3 Schedule 12A LGA 1972)


Lead Member for Housing and Health, Cllr S Webb on behalf of Lead Member for Environmental Services.




To allow the Council’s Food Safety Plan to be submitted to the Food Standards Agency by the 15 July 2022 deadline.


A total of five Decisions have been made by the Executive during the period 23 May 2022 – 20 July 2022. Two of the five decisions (40%) were subject to urgency procedures.


Further information relating to the decisions can be accessed here:

Lower Thames Crossing – Local Refinement Consultation: Your Councillors - Maidstone Borough Council

Food Safety Plan 2022-23 – Food Standards Agency: Your Councillors - Maidstone Borough Council