a)        The Chair will introduce those present and ask all parties to introduce themselves.

a.    Members of the Sub Committee

b.    Officers Present

c.    Applicant and their representative (if applicable)


b)        The Chair will

a.    ensure that everyone understands the procedure to be followed

b.    Explain that the Sub Committee will allow parties to put their case fully and make full submissions, within a reasonable timeframe

c.    Explain that the procedure shall take the form of a discussion led by the Sub Committee

d.    Explain that where any person attending the meeting behaves in a disruptive manner, the sub committee may direct that person to leave the meeting and thereafter the person may submit to the sub committee in writing any information which the person would have been entitled to give orally had the person not been required to leave the meeting.

e.    Confirm all parties have read the papers and documents contained in the report  

c)        The Licensing Officer will briefly describe the application

d)        The Applicant will then present his case.

e)        Members will then ask the Applicant any questions.

f)         Members will then ask the Licensing Officer and the Legal Adviser if there are any further questions for the Applicant or matters to be raised before the matter is considered.


g)        The Chair will declare that the Sub committee will retire to private session to consider the application. The Chair will invite the legal advisor to remain with the Sub Committee during its deliberations.

h)        After consideration all parties will be invited to return and the Chair will announce the decision.


i)         The meeting is formally closed.