At its meeting on the 18 October 2022, the Committee asked the external attendees the following question:

‘What would you like Maidstone Borough Council to do, that we are not doing?’


The table below outlines the requests received in response.

Kent and Medway VRU & KCC Comments


·         When a Member receives a report of an issue, that this be shared at the time to ensure that the actions and discussions are relevant and appropriate to current incidents.


·         Identify best ways to communicate best practice, the initiatives and the events taking place


·         Actively link to youth settings to experience first hand the inputs offered by and voice of young people


·         Engage with training opportunities made by available by the Community Safety Partnership, such as Active Bystander Approach, Contextual Safeguarding, OSARA, and trauma-informed awareness to increase the understanding of the training provided to Maidstone Practitioners, the underlying causes of behaviours and the outcomes hoped to be achieved


·         Advise on whether invitations to the Local Children’s Partnership Group Forum or Young People’s conversation would be of interest


One Maidstone

·         To consider ways that the night-time economy businesses can be supported in rebutting any negative or inaccurate perceptions of the town centre at night.


·         To continue with the good collaborate working already in place with the Council and its partnership agencies.


NOTE: The above requests have been summarised where appropriate.