-----Original Message-----

From: Sally Humphrey

Sent: 12 March 2023 12:21

To: Licensing <licencing@sevenoaks.gov.uk>

Subject: Hush Heath/Balfour Winery


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Dear Sir/Madam,

It has come to our attention again, as neighbours of the above mentioned Winery, that a new application has been made to change restrictions already in situ.

My wife and I were under the impression that the current application was binding as all conditions had been carefully discussed at length and were not subject to continual modifications, due to the whims of the directors of the winery, especially as at the hearing their spokesperson maintained that the did not want to run the winery as a restaurant.

As far as we can see, none of the conditions for the original restrictions have changed.

The location of the winery is, as it always has been, in remote and beautiful countryside.

The condition of the roads, or to be exact, narrow country lanes, has markedly deteriorated since the winery's inception. Already in a dangerous condition, these quiet byways have become more and more hazardous for walkers, cyclists and the local running club, especially when used by convoys of cars which we have witnessed, en route to the winery.

We feel that to endorse the application would lead to much more noise and pollution not only from customers at all times of day and night, but also supply vehicles destroying the already fragile ditches and verges.

On the grounds of public nuisance, noise and safety, plus the encouragement of possible drink driving following dining in a restaurant situated in an unsuitable and remote area we would like to lodge our objections. Added to this there is no public transport within two miles and no lighting at all along the lanes.

We hope you will consider these points, thank you.

Mr & Mrs K F Humphrey