Maidstone Borough Council - Overview & Scrutiny Proposal Form
Proposer Name
Proposed Topic (What?)
Description and Reason for Review (Why?)
Provide a description of the topic, its background and the reasons why you are suggesting its review.
Link to:
Council’s Strategic Plan
National/Regional priorities
Executive Priorities
Outline the link to the:
Strategic Plan and Corporate Priorities National/Regional priorities Executive Priorities
Desired Outcome(s) (Outcome)
Include what you think the review should achieve. |
Approach (How, When and Who) |
Such as:
Type of research (desk based?) Site Visits
Sources of Information Required Previous Council Reports
Possible Participants Evidence collection – written and/or verbal – and from which individuals/bodies Council Teams i.e. officer interviews
Review Timescale (When) |
Such as:
Suggested timeline of the review, e.g. 2 or 3 months.
How the review should take place, e.g. at formal committee meetings or a working group.
Work Programme Impact: Heavy/Medium/Light
Link to CfPS effective scrutiny principles |
Select which CfPS effective scrutiny principles would be met through conducting the review:
· Provides a constructive ‘critical friend’ challenge · Amplifies public voices and concerns · Is Independently led by Councillors · Drives Improvement in Public Services
Officer Support |
To include:
DSO Officer Policy Officer Relevant HoS/Senior Officer |