Proposer Name
Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Economic Development and Policy, Communities and Engagement Teams.
Proposed Topic (What?)
Leisure and Hospitality (previously Night-Time Economy)
Description and Reason for Review (Why?)
The Committee had previously agreed to undertake a shared review of the Night-Time economy with the Economic Development and Policy, Communities and Engagement Teams (see December 2022 meeting minutes).
Since then, the scope of what was the night time economy policy has been broadened to consider hospitality and leisure throughout the day and night and how the town centre caters for those that live in the town centre, wider residents, businesses, visitors and others. Needs and wants change throughout the 24 hours and the town centre needs to be flexible enough to respond to these needs.
The Council is currently developing a Town Centre Strategy and it is important that the timeline for the Hospitality and Leisure Policy aligns with it, so that the policy can respond to recommendations for change that emerge and can build on engagement.
Link to Priorities:
Strategic Priorities: A Thriving Place
Desired Outcome(s) (Outcome)
To review Leisure and Hospitality (previously night-time economy) and identify any required changes.
Leisure and Hospitality - Suggested Approach (How, When, Who?)
Meetings One (post August 2023)
The project team are currently at data collection stage which is estimated for completion at the end of July.
The proposal would be to present the findings to the Committee following the August Break to include any indicative findings from consultation over the summer.
The Committee would feed into a gap analysis, commission any further data gathering and consultation by the project team.
Work would begin to develop a draft policy, any associated policy development and develop any relevant action plan that may be required.
Future Meetings
The Committee may wish to call the officers back at various points over this stage to review the policy development, which will likely be over the Winter period 2023/24.
Review Timescale (When)
At least one meeting, but possibly 2-3 meetings.
Work Programme Impact: Light
Link to CfPS effective scrutiny principles
The following CfPS effective scrutiny principles would be met through conducting the review:
· Provides a constructive ‘critical friend’ challenge · Amplifies public voices and concerns · Is Independently led by Councillors · Drives Improvement in Public Services |