2023/24 Municipal Year
Decision Details |
Urgency Details |
Decision Made & Date of Decision
Decision Type |
Decision Maker |
5-day agenda publication |
Waiving of Call-In |
Special Urgency* |
Reason for Urgency |
Granada House Refurbishment, 30 October 2023 |
Key Decision |
Cabinet Member for Housing and Health |
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To allow the Local Authority Housing Fund monies to be committed by the end of the financial year, to enable the main works on site to commence with immediate effect so that they are completed by year end. The contractor can only achieve this milestone if they are instructed imminently.
A total of 13* Decisions will have been made by the Cabinet during the period 27 September 2023 to 27 November 2023 (*one decision is expected by 22 November 2023). One of the decisions (8%) was subject to urgency procedures.
Further information relating to the decisions can be accessed here:
Granada House Refurbishment: Your Councillors - Maidstone Borough Council