Overview and Scrutiny Committee

19 December 2023

Briefing Note – Environmental and Waste Crime Enforcement Review


The Committee conducted a review into Environmental and Waste Crime Enforcement across October and November 2023. The aim of the review was the:

‘Identification of required actions and/or policies to improve the Council’s Environmental and Waste Crime enforcement services’.

To complete the review and produce a report for submission to the Cabinet, the Committee will need to review the suggestions made during the review and decide which it would like to make as formal recommendations.

A range of supporting written and verbal information was provided by the relevant Officers, which can be accessed using the ‘background information’ section of this note.


To support the Committee, a draft list of recommendations and intended outcomes has been included as appendix 1 to this briefing note; these have been produced from the suggestions made during the two meetings held to conduct the review. These need to be considered, amended and agreed by the Committee as required, to ensure they capture the Committee’s views accordingly.



Appendix 1 – Draft Recommendations arising from the review

Appendix 2 – Guidance Note on Recommendations


Background Information:

October 2023 Meeting, Agenda papers and Minutes:

November 2023 Meeting, Agenda papers and Minutes:

Scope of the Review: your-councillors (maidstone.gov.uk)