29 January 2024


Maidstone House and the Link Energy Saving





Urgent Decision

29 January 2024


Will this be a Key Decision?




·         Call-In waived; and

·         Special Urgency (28 day requirement waived)


The matter’s urgency has been agreed in accordance with the Council’s Constitution, C3, Rule 13.5.1 and C4, Rule 11.6 respectively


A bid for funding is under active consideration and requires confirmation that the Council has approved the project as soon as possible so as not to jeopardise the bid.

Final Decision-Maker

Leader of the Council

Lead Head of Service

Mark Green, Director of Finance, Resources and Business Improvement

Lead Officer and Report Author

James Wilderspin



Wards affected

High Street


Executive Summary

This report seeks approval for a project to carry out energy savings measures at Maidstone House and the Link, including a replacement low carbon heating system, replacement glazing, fully insulation of the building, upgrading of the lights to LED, and installation of solar PV on the Link / Business Terrace roof. The project is a key component of the Council’s Biodiversity and Climate Change Programme.


Purpose of Report


Recommendation to Leader.




This report makes the following recommendation to the Leader


That the Leader is recommended:


1.   To agree to capital expenditure of up to £3,775,200 million (Council contribution 17%)

2.   To delegate authority to the Director of Finance, Resources and Business Improvement to select and appoint contractors for applicable services as necessary.



Maidstone House and the Link Energy Saving







Impact on Corporate Priorities

This project is a key component of our Biodiversity and Climate Change Strategy.

Director of Finance, Resources & Business Improvement

Cross Cutting Objectives

The project helps achieve the cross-cutting objectives of respecting Biodiversity and Environmental Sustainability.



Director of Finance, Resources & Business Improvement

Risk Management

Already covered in the risk section.


Director of Finance, Resources & Business Improvement


The project forms part of the proposed capital programme for 2024/25 – 2033/34.  Approximately two thirds of the cost is covered by external funding.  The works proposed are projected to deliver an ongoing saving of £51,375 per annum.

Director of Finance, Resources & Business Improvement


The project will be delivered by an in-house project team, supplemented by external consultants and contractors as necessary.

Director of Finance, Resources & Business Improvement


Acting on the recommendations is within the Council’s powers as set out in local authority legislation.  All necessary contractual documentation will be approved by Mid-Kent Legal Services before completion.

[Team Leader (Contentious and Corporate Governance)]

Information Governance

No specific implications.

Director of Finance, Resources & Business Improvement


In delivering the project all necessary steps will be taken to ensure that the building remains accessible and all legal requirements relating to equalities are met.  If necessary an EqIA will be carried out.

[Equalities and Communities Officer]

Public Health



Better control of the working environment in our offices will be beneficial to members of staff and visitors.

Director of Finance, Resources & Business Improvement

Crime and Disorder

No specific implications.

Director of Finance, Resources & Business Improvement


The Council will follow its usual procurement processes in selecting contractor(s).

Director of Finance, Resources & Business Improvement

Biodiversity and Climate Change

This report fully aligns with Action 7.1 to “Deliver Maidstone Borough Council 2030 Net Zero Commitment” of the Council’s Biodiversity and Climate Change Action Plan.

Biodiversity and Climate Change Manager




2.1     As part of Action 7.1 to “Deliver Maidstone Borough Council 2030 Net Zero Commitment” of the Council’s Biodiversity and Climate Change Action Plan adopted on 21st October 2020, officers are seeking to secure funding support for the costs of design development, architectural design and installation of low-carbon technologies, insulation, and glazing to substantially cut the Council’s carbon from one of its primary carbon emitters.


2.2     Maidstone House and the Link Building are the second largest emissions source of the Council accounting for 17.6% of total emissions (2022-23).


2.3     In November officers submitted a largescale bid for Phase 3c of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) of £3,126,536 to retrofit Maidstone House.


2.4     This grant is in addition to the Council’s Capital Contribution of £648,664 needed to ensure eligibility for the funding, with a total project cost of £3,775,200 required to upgrade Maidstone House and the Link Building.


2.5     The PSDS grant application includes


(i)                   Project management costs for a consultant organisation to coordinate the project,

(ii)                 Cost for detailed designs of each aspect of the project,

(iii)                A replacement low carbon heating system,

(iv)                Replacement glazing,

(v)                 Fully insulating the building,

(vi)                Upgrading the lights to LED, and

(vii)              Installing solar PV on the link business terrace roof.


2.6     It has been estimated that this project will have an annual savings to Council  of £51,875 and a carbon reduction of 361.8 tCO2e per year.


2.7     Should the funding be awarded, the grant will be paid over several milestones throughout 2024 to 2025 financial year, with the condition that the money be spent by March 2025.


2.8     This is a large-scale project, with four major elements that require design, tendering, and funding in quick succession to ensure the project can be delivered in line with the PSDS conditions. The four main aspects of the project are:


  • Heating: Designs/tendering and ordering a replacement 4-pipe chiller heat pump that is capable of simultaneous heating and cooling all 6 floors of Maidstone House and 4 floors of the Link Building. To be housed in a new plant room installed in the roof.


  • Insulation: Architectural detailed drawings and planning permission, for insulating the external walls, insulation under the floors and the under croft. Appointing contractors to insulate the building in conjunction with glazing being replaced.


  • Glazing: Upgrading the glazing.


  • Solar PV: Design and structural appraisal of the Link building roof, and instillation for a 16kWp solar panel array comprising 42 no. 385W panels.


2.9     Funding will be distributed at different milestone dates agreed. A detailed project program has been established in collaboration with Salix, as illustrated in Figure 1, outlining specific milestone dates for funding distribution. Grant funds are contingent on adherence to this timeline, emphasising the necessity for officers to have the authority to spend the allocated funds as needed to ensure the seamless execution of each project element within the specified timeframe. This flexibility is crucial for meeting the PSDS conditions and completing the project within the timeframe.


Figure 1: Project Programme (red indicates contingency time)





3.1     Option 1: Do nothing

3.2     Option 2: Invest in energy saving measures and delegate authority to the Director of Finance, Resources and Business Improvement to select and appoint contractors for applicable services as necessary to ensure the project is completed within the timeline.





4.1     The preferred option is option 2.



5.       RISK

5.1     There are a number of risks associated with this proposal.


·        Project risk – Office Operational Interruptions, tenancy disruptions, and health and safety. Different elements of the project will be phased to minimise disruption as part of the project programme. Staff and stakeholders will be engaged and updated through the programme. All risk assessments to be reviewed and updated.


·         Delay risks – Timings to design, procure and deliver the project could be lengthy and a hold up in one area which could impact the overall completion date. Lead time for equipment orders has been impacted by shortages of microchips, solar panels, supply chain and logistics disruptions, and other economic factors.


·         Funding risks – Costs are higher than expected and amendments during project development stages could result in increased costs and programme delays.


·         Site specific risks – 1) Electrical capacity feasibility studies have shown the incoming supply is large enough, however a DNO application is needed to check there is sufficient capacity in the area 2) Link Building roof weight allowance for PV exceeded. Building weight allowances have been checked as part of scoping for the array quoted. Full structural calculations are required prior to commissioning any works.


5.2     The above risks, including the risks if the Council does not act as recommended, have been considered in line with the Council’s Risk Management Framework.  We are satisfied that the risks associated are within the Council’s risk appetite and will be managed as per the Policy.





6.1     The proposal described in this report has been included as part of the Capital Programme for 2024/25 onwards, which has gone to the Corporate Services PAC, Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Council.





7.1     The proposed next steps are set out below should Grant Funding be Awarded.


1.    Project Management Consultant Appointment

Tender for external project management support to coordinate entire project.

2.    Distribution Network Operator Application / Enabling Costs Determined

DNO application to ensure sufficient capacity and cost within budget to go ahead with project.

3.    Tender for Architect and other detailed designs

Design for Cladding are needed early in the project delivery to ensure planning permission is accepted in time for project delivery.

4.    Planning Application Submission for External Cladding

Planning application submitted early in project timeframe.

5.    Detailed Designs Complete

Designs completed on Solar, heating, glazing, insulating elements of project.

6.    Out to Tender

Contractors sought for Solar, heating, glazing, insulating elements of project.

7.    Orders Placed

Equipment ordered with sufficient lead time to begin work in summer 2024.

8.    Instillation / Works

Aimed between September 2024 to February 2025.




