

Part A: Third Quarter Revenue Budget 2023/24


A1)    Revenue Budget   

A2)    Significant Variances                                           


Part B: Third Quarter Capital Budget 2023/24    

B1)    Capital Budget  

B2)    Significant Variances                                                          







Part A - Third Quarter Revenue Budget 2023/24A1)  Revenue Budget: Planning, Infrastructure & Economic Development   (PIED) PAC

A2.1  The table below provides a detailed summary of the budgeted net expenditure position for the services reporting directly into PIED PAC at the end of Quarter 3. The financial figures are presented on an accruals basis (i.e. expenditure for goods and services received, but not yet paid for, is included).

The budgets used in this report are the revised estimates for 2023/24.  

A2.2  This table now shows the variance split between expenditure and income to give more of an insight into the nature of the variance.


PIED Revenue Budget: NET EXPENDITURE (@ 3rd Quarter 2023/24)




By Cabinet Member

A2)  PIED Revenue Budget: Significant Variances

A2.1  Within the headline figures, there are a number of both adverse and favourable net expenditure variances for individual cost centres. It is important that the implications of variances are considered at an early stage, so that contingency plans can be put in place and, if necessary, be used to inform future financial planning.  Variances will be reported to each of the Policy Advisory Committees on a quarterly basis throughout 2023/24.

A2.2  The table below highlights and provides further detail on the most significant variances at the end of Quarter 3.

PIED PAC Variances (@ 3rd Quarter 2023/24)


Positive Variance





Year End Forecast Variance


Planning, Infrastructure & Economic Development






Development Control Advice - Income from Planning Performance Agreements (PPAs) and pre-application planning advice generally continues to be significantly down as developers are waiting for the new Local Plan to be adopted before progressing with further applications.




Development Control Majors - Income from major applications also continues to be significantly down this year, as with the Planning Performance Agreements developers are waiting for the new Local Plan to be adopted before progressing with further applications.




Business Terrace (1st Floor Maidstone House) - Service charge costs are significantly higher than forecast, and there are also two units vacant meaning there is a shortfall in income.




Innovation Centre  - This variance is a combination of an overspend on running costs and a shortfall of income. However, there is a projected underspend in the section budget (see below) which will offset this variance.




Mid Kent Planning Support Service - This team had a restructure earlier in the year with a number of posts being vacant. The new structure needed to embed before vacant posts were recruited to.  Two posts are currently being held vacant with a view to recruit in April 2024.




Innovation Centre Section – The projected underspend on running costs will offset the negative variance referred to above.





Given the continuing significantly negative variance between estimated income from major planning applications and PPAs based on a carry forward of the high estimates from previous business years, this has resulted in the deletion of the Major Projects Officer post and will result in the loss of the sole consultant in the Development Management service.                     




Positive Variance





Year End Forecast Variance


Planning, Infrastructure & Economic Development






Sandling Road Car Park – Running costs are lower than expected and will continue to be so for the final quarter.




Park & Ride - These are budgets that were used to fund the Business Rates and running costs for the site. They are no longer required and will be removed for 2024/25.




























Part B - Third Quarter Capital Budget 2023/24B1)  Capital Budget 2023/24 (@ 3rd Quarter 2023/24)


B2)  Capital Budget Variances (@ 3rd Quarter 2023/24)


Planning, Infrastructure & Economic Development

Bridges Gyratory Scheme - Plans are in place for the construction of a flood barrier at the bottom of Medway Street as the final element of the Bridges Gyratory Scheme.  It has unfortunately proved a slow process getting the necessary approvals for the barrier, as it will be situated on highways land.  It is envisaged that construction will take place this summer.

Public Realm & Greening relating to the Town Centre - The current strategy is being developed and is likely to be adopted in early 2024, and it is unlikely there will be any spend in the final quarter of the year.