Audit, Governance and Standards Committee

29 July 2024


Internal Audit Report and Annual Audit Opinion 2023/24


Final Decision-Maker

Audit, Governance and Standards Committee

Lead Head of Service

Katherine Woodward – Head of Mid Kent Audit Partnership

Lead Officer and Report Author

Katherine Woodward – Head of Mid Kent Audit Partnership



Wards affected



Executive Summary


The Annual Internal Audit report includes the Head of Audit Partnership’s overall opinion on the Council’s internal control, risk management and governance for the year 2023/24. Based on the work completed, as summarised in the report, the opinion is positive and informs the Council’s Annual Governance Statement.


Purpose of Report





This report makes the following recommendations to this Committee:


1.   That the Head of Audit Partnership’s opinion be noted.


2.   That the work underlying the opinion and the Head of Audit Partnership’s assurance of its independent completion in conformance with proper Standards be noted.







Audit, Governance and Standards Committee

29 July 2024

Internal Audit Report and Annual Audit Opinion 2022/23








Impact on Corporate Priorities

We do not expect the recommendations will by themselves materially affect achievement of corporate priorities or cross cutting objectives. However, they will support the Council’s overall achievement of its aims by contributing to effective corporate governance.

Katherine Woodward – Head of Mid Kent Audit Partnership


Cross Cutting Objectives

Risk Management

The audit plan draws on the Council’s risk management in considering the areas for audit examination. In turn, audit findings will provide feedback on the identification, management and controls operating within risk management.


Mid Kent Audit delivered the 2023/24 audit plan within the set operating budget


Mid Kent Audit delivered the 2023/24 audit plan within agreed staffing, supplementing vacancies through short-term market contractor engagements.


This report fulfils the Council’s responsibility under the Accounts & Audit Regulations 2015 for maintaining an effective internal audit.

Katherine Woodward – Head of Mid Kent Audit Partnership


Privacy and Data Protection

All information collected by the service was handled in line with the data protection policy of Maidstone BC, as the service’s host authority


There are no direct equalities implications associated with this report.

Public Health



There are no direct public health implications associated with this report.

Crime and Disorder

There are no direct crime and disorder implications associated with this report.



Completing the plan involved procurement of services from an external contractor.

Biodiversity and Climate Change

There are no direct biodiversity and climate change implications associated with this report.





2.1        Internal audit is a compulsory service for authorities as set out by Regulation 5 of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015. The principal objective of internal audit as described in that Regulation is: “[to] undertake [audit work] to evaluate the effectiveness of […] risk management, control and governance processes, taking into account public sector internal auditing standards and guidance”.

2.2        This report delivers the Head of Internal Audit annual reporting directed by the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards (the “Standards”). The report includes the Interim Head of Audit Partnership’s annual opinion on the overall adequacy and effectiveness of the Council’s framework of governance, risk management and control.

2.3        The Standards, in particular Standard 2450 (Overall Opinions) direct the annual report to include:

• The annual audit opinion

• A summary of work completed that supports the opinion, and

• A statement on conformation with Standards

2.4    We have completed the work set out in the plan in full conformance with the Standards. We have also worked independently, free from undue influence of either officers or Members.




3.   Preferred Options and Reasons for Recommendations


3.1          The Head of Audit Partnership is satisfied the Council can place assurance on the system of control in place during 2023/24. The Committee is asked to note this opinion.

3.2          The full Annual Report for 2023/24 is attached as an Appendix. This report includes a summary of all work conducted to support the opinion and affirms the independence and effectiveness of the internal audit service.

3.3          We present the opinion and associated report for noting and for Members to consider alongside their evaluation of associated year end reports into the Council’s finance and governance. This report does not seek any substantive decision or action from the Council as a direct result.





4.1     We consult and agree with relevant Heads of Service before finishing all findings and recommendations arising from individual audit engagements. The headline messages in our report have been discussed with the Management Board and have been shared to help prepare the Annual Governance Statement.




5.1    The following documents are to be published with this report and form part of the report:


·   Appendix 1: Internal Audit Annual Report and Opinion 2023/24






6.1   Full reports which support the audit engagements summarised in this annual report are available.