


Once completed, please submit this form to either of the Officers shown below.  


Director of Strategy, Insight & Governance or The Chief Executive.


Please fill in the below form:


Decision making body or individual



Decision made (please include the date the decision was taken)

Decision made on 24/07/24.  Decision to proceed with the decarbonisation project utilising the grant funding and £2,723,464 council contribution.


Reason for calling in the decision


No comment was made by cabinet members during the cabinet committee regarding the project.  The report is thin.  Paragraph 2.11 states that the notional return is less than the council’s current target rate of return in its capital strategy of 5%.  Paragraph 4.2 states that further work is required to obtain definitive costs for the project.  Paragraph 2.10 says the cost of the project have increased by £1.545m (41%) with no detail as to how these costs have increased by this size, making it impossible to consider if such an increase is justified or supportable.  As a result the Council's costs have rised by £2.074m (320%).


Paragraph 2.11 gives no indication where the additional Maidstone Council contribution of £2.074m will come from, nor does it indicate how the revenue financing costs will be met, where will the compensating cuts be made?


Desired Outcome (Optional)


Further due consideration is given to the financial aspects of the project, considered alongside the potential other uses of this capital expenditure and what purpose it could serve.


Unless this request is made by the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, any call-in must be supported by three Members of the Council.


Members calling in decision                     Signed

1.       CJRussell


1.       Cllr Claudine Russell


2.       Cllr Paul Harper


2.   P Harper


3.       Cllr Lottie Parfitt









3.  Lottie Parfitt





Date: 30.07.24