Chief Officer of
Police Representation in relation to an application for grant of
premises licence
made under Part 3 Section 17 Licensing Act 2003 (S18
Licensing Act 2003)
Details of person making representation |
Name of Chief Officer of Police |
Chief Inspector Mark MCLELLAN |
Postal Address: (Area Headquarters)
Maidstone Police Station Palace Avenue Maidstone ME15 6NF |
E-mail address |
Telephone Number: |
Details of premises representation is about |
Name of Premises: |
Blue Reef Music Venue |
Address of premises: |
Loddington Farm Unit 5 Lodding Lane Maidstone ME17 4AG |
Date application received by police |
28.06.2024 |
Date representation sent to Licensing Authority |
23.07.2024Must be within 28 days of receipt –The Licensing Act 2003 (Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates) Regulations 2005. Part 4 Reg. 22. |
The Chief Officer of Police has received an application for the grant of a premises licence made under the provisions of Section 17 Licensing Act 2003, and under Section 18 of that Act, asks the Licensing Authority to consider these representations in respect of: -Please tick one or more of the licensing objectives that the representation relates to: |
Prevention of crime and disorder |
X |
Public Safety |
X |
Prevention of public nuisance |
X |
Protection of children from harm |
X |
The relevant representation within the meaning of S.18(6) of the Licensing Act satisfy the requirements of S.18(9) of that Act and are as follows
Please give the reason for the representation and detail the evidence supporting it: |
Kent Police make these representations in respect of a new license application for “Blue Reef Music Venue” which is going to be located Loddington Farm, Unit 5, Lodding Lane, Maidstone, ME17 4AG.
The application is for a licence for the venue to hold outdoor live music evenings at the location with an anticipated audience of up to 300 people, the applicant has indicated that this will not be open every day but a few times a month. The applicant has indicated the venue will only be open when music is being played and will not trade on a day-to-day basis. It should be noted that the premises has operated under Temporary Event Notices on an ad-hoc basis since 2021 and there have been no issues with crime and disorder. Whilst this is the case if the venue is to be more widely advertised and used on a more frequent basis then there is the possibility for this to change and therefore it must be managed suitably to prevent disruption to the local community by its endeavours
The requested hours for supply of alcohol and Live/recorded music will be 15:00hrs to 23:00hrs Monday to Sunday.
As with any premises licence granted to allow the sale of alcohol there are concerns with regards to any negative impact it may have on the community. The location of the venue is reasonably remote which may lead to increased traffic in the area and could lead to noise issues from patrons increasing the likelihood of the local area and community being negatively impacted.
Kent Police believes that every licence should be robust enough to protect the community as well as patrons and staff of the premises. The risk of impact is reduced due to the location of the premises however it is still possible that the venue will be of interest to young people due to the provision of alcohol & music which in turn could lead to a rise in anti-social behaviour in the area which would have an obvious detrimental effect on the local residents and wider community. There will also need to be measures in place to ensure that staff are aware of the necessity to protect children and prevent the sale, or provision by others, of alcohol to those under 18 years of age. This should be achieved by good training and the operation of the industry standard “Challenge 25” procedures. |
Suggested conditions that could be added to the licence to remedy the representation or other suggestions the Licensing Sub Committee may take into account: |
Signed: James WILLIAMS Date: 23/07/2024
Print name: James WILLIAMS Force Number:
Pp Chief Officer of Police for the Police Area in which the licensed premises are situated.
Representation may be made at any time during the 28 consecutive days starting on the day after the day on which the application to which it relates was given to the authority by the applicant.
Please return this form along with any additional sheets to the Licensing Authority.
This form must be returned within the Statutory Period.