Urgent Update: Planning Committee 19 September 2024


Item 21 Pages 222 - 311


The Vale Nursing Home 191 Willington Street Maidstone Kent ME15 8ED





Additional Neighbour comments


5 additional comments have been received from neighbours raising the following summarised issues:


-      The design of the car park is obtrusive, and the proposals would have an adverse effect on the character of the area.

-      The report does not address the reason why the previous application for this site under ref 19/503036/FULL to replace existing green areas with parking for just 8 cars was REFUSED.

-      The air source heat pumps are not shown on the submitted plans and the energy report does not say how many would be provided.

-      Noise from air source heat pumps would be a nuisance future occupiers of the flats  and neighbours. 

-      The revised documents were only made available to concerned residents days before the committee meeting.

-      The concerns raised by neighbours have not been addressed by the applicant in the design changes submitted.




Residents refer to a previous application submitted for the site under reference number 19/503036/FULL. This previous application involves removal of the brick wall and its replacement with a low post and chain fence combined with the extension of the parking area and was refused for the following reasons;


“The erection of a post and chain fence combined with the extended parking area and loss of the green verge adjacent to Otterbourne Place would cause significant harm to the character and appearance of the streetscene and general locality. Therefore, the proposal would be contrary to the advice given in The National Planning Policy Framework 2019, Policies SP1 and DM1 of The Maidstone Local Plan 2017”.


The delegated officer report for this previous application states that ‘significant screening would be required on the front and side boundaries to mitigate the harm from the increased parking and the loss of the green verge feature’.


The report further states that ‘The addition of 2m high hedging to the front and side boundary facing Willington Street was suggested and initially agreed, however the applicant requested to resort back to the original proposal’.


This current scheme provided hedging to enclose the parking area and therefore overcomes this previous reason for refusal.


Neighbours have highlighted the air source heat pumps to be installed are not shown on the submitted plans and the energy report does not say how many would be provided. The sustainability plan submitted indicates the location of 5 air source heat pumps around the building.


Neighbours are also concerned noise from air source heat pumps would be a nuisance future occupiers and neighbours. It is recommended that a planning condition is appended requiring the submission of details of any air source heat pump to the Local Planning Authority for prior approval.   



Sustainability Plan



It is also suggested the revised documents were only made available to concerned residents days before the committee meeting. The revised documents were published online on 4th of July and neighbour responses indicate these have been seen by members of the public. There was no requirement for additional public consultation following the committee deferral, this was not the reason for deferral.


Further neighbour comments indicate the concerns raised by neighbours have not been addressed by the applicant in the design changes submitted. The deferral was to address the concerns of the committee and not specifically those of residents.  


Other comments from resident have been address in the main committee report.




Details of any air source heat pump systems that is to be installed shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority and upon approval shall be installed, maintained and operated in a manner that prevents the transmission of noise and vibration to neighbouring premises.


Reason: In the interests of residential amenity.


No change to the officer recommendation