Report - MA100747

APPLICATION:       MA/10/0747         Date: 27 April 2010        Received: 4 May 2010



Mr N Sanderson, Audley More Ltd












Amendments to listed building consent MA/06/0081 (an application for Listed Building consent for the conversion of Mote House to an assisted living care home (Class C2) with associated accommodation (15 no. units) and facilities.  Conversion of existing stables, laundry/brewhouse and kitchens to form 14 no. residential units; conversion of existing potting sheds to 1 no. new dwelling: demolition of modern annexe and other modern buildings and associated works) being phase three class C2 ancillary accommodation variations including the conversion and extension of existing stables, laundry/brewhouse, dairy and old kitchens to form 15 no. accommodation units. Demolition of existing shed and ancillary buildings and replacement of new buildings to provide 21 no. accommodation units. Construction of 14 new accommodation units along the eastern boundary of site and rebuilding of carpenters shed to form 1 no. accommodation unit. Construction of 1 no. new detached accommodation unit adjacent to the carpenters shed. This representing an additional 14 units over and above the existing scheme as shown on drawing nos. 09043/EX(P3)/01, 02, 04-06, 10-16, 09043/LA/(P3)01revA, 09043/GA/P3/01-11, 09043/GA/(A1)/01/, 02, 03, 05, 06, 09043/GA/(A2)/01, 02, 04, 05, 06, 09043/GA/(A3)/01, 02, 04, 09043/GA/A4/01, 02, 04, 05, 09043/GA/A5/01, 02, 04, 05, T/09/776/SK2/P1, SKo3/P1, SK04/P1, SK05/P1, SK06/P1 and Design and Access Statement and Tree survey received 05/05/2010 and as amended by drawing nos. 09043/GA(A2)01, 09043/GA(P3)11 and T/09/T16/ SK02 received 13/08/2010.






14th October 2010


Steve Clarke


The recommendation for this application is being reported to Committee for decision because:

●  The Council has a land ownership interest


1.       POLICIES


          Government Policy: PPS5


2.      HISTORY


2.1     Mote House has an extensive planning history. Prior to the current     refurbishment and redevelopment proposals it was used as Leonard Cheshire        Home for many years. Planning permission and listed building consent for the       current conversion, refurbishment and new-build works were granted in 2006      under the following applications.


·         MA/06/0082: Conversion of Mote House to an assisted living care home (Class C2) with associated accommodation (15 no. units) and facilities; conversion of existing stables, laundry/brewhouse and kitchens to form 14 no. residential units. Demolition of modern annexe and other modern buildings and replacement with new buildings to provide 24 no. residential units; conversion of existing potting sheds to 1 no. residential unit. Construction of a new gatehouse building to provide 10 no. residential units; construction of 23 no. new residential units within the walled garden; associated landscaping works to all of these and formation of a new kitchen garden within the walled garden: APPROVED 10/08/2006


·         MA/06/0081: An application for Listed Building consent for the conversion of Mote House to an assisted living care home (Class C2) with associated accommodation (15 no. units) and facilities.  Conversion of existing stables, laundry/brewhouse and kitchens to form 14 no. residential units; conversion of existing potting sheds to 1 no. new dwelling: demolition of modern annexe and other modern buildings and associated works: APPROVED 11/09/2006


2.2     This application is accompanied by a planning application for the revised      development proposals and which is reported on this current agenda:


·         MA/10/0748: Amendments to planning permission MA/06/0082 (an application for planning permission for the conversion of Mote House to an assisted living care home (Class C2) with associated accommodation (15 no. units) and facilities.  Conversion of existing stables, laundry/brewhouse and kitchens to form 14 no. residential units; conversion of existing potting sheds to 1 no. new dwelling: demolition of modern annexe and other modern buildings and associated works) being phase three class C2 ancillary accommodation variations including the conversion and extension of existing stables, laundry/brewhouse, dairy and old kitchens to form 15 no. accommodation units. Demolition of existing shed and ancillary buildings and replacement of new buildings to provide 21 no. accommodation units. Construction of 14 new accommodation units along the eastern boundary of site and rebuilding of carpenters shed to form 1 no. accommodation unit. Construction of 1 no. new detached accommodation unit adjacent to the carpenters shed. This representing an additional 14 units over and above the existing scheme: UNDETERMINED ON THE PAPERS




3.1     Bearsted Parish Council: (Adjoining parish) No objections


3.2     English Heritage: Has commented as follows:-

This application proposes amendments to a scheme previously approved (MA/06/0081) for the conversion to assisted living residential units of the complex of predominantly early nineteenth-century service buildings to the north of the grade II* listed Mote House. The L-shaped stable range at the heart of this group is listed in its own right at grade II, but the complex as a whole should be treated as listed by virtue of being located within the curtilage of the main house.


Along with numerous more minor changes to the approved scheme, the amendments propose an additional fourteen residential units. As the original scheme was not considered to depart from the development plan or national planning policies, it was not treated as enabling development. Your Council will need to determine whether this amended scheme remains in accordance with these planning policies and, if not, it may be necessary to apply the policies on enabling development in PPS5 (HE11). I would be happy to provide further advice on these policies, if required.


Any additional harm to the setting of designated and undesignated heritage assets resulting from the supplementary units is in our view less than substantial because the extra units do not extend beyond the confines of the historic service complex. Policy HE9.4 of PPS5 is therefore applicable if this application is not to be treated as enabling development. English Heritage considers that the effect of the new scheme on the historic environment is still justified under the terms of HE9.4 on the basis of the public benefit of securing the optimum viable use of these heritage assets in the interests of their long-term conservation. We would therefore not object to listed building consent and planning permission being granted, subject to an additional condition being imposed requiring a method statement for the repair of the two internal gauged brick columns in the former dairy to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any work on the dairy commences.


We urge you to address the above issues, and recommend that this application be determined in accordance with national and local policy guidance, and on the basis of your expert conservation advice. It is not necessary for us to be consulted again. Please re-consult us if there are material changes to the proposals beyond those necessary to address the issues we have raised. We will then consider whether such changes might lead us to object. If they do, and if your authority is minded to grant consent, you should notify the Secretary of State of this application in accordance with Circular 08/2009.’


3.3     MBC Conservation Officer: Has commented as follows:-

‘Whilst the level of new development previously permitted would be preferable in terms of the impact on the setting of the listed buildings, the current proposals have been the result of extensive pre-application consultation and have been amended in line with recommendations made by officers. If the additional accommodation is necessary in terms of the viability of the scheme as a whole I consider that this additional impact is justified. The minor changes to details of the conversion works are all acceptable in their latest form and the design of new build units is of an appropriate standard. Care has been taken to ensure that the developed area does not extend into the open surroundings and remains within the previously-developed farmyard limits.



It is, therefore, recommended that on heritage grounds NO OBJECTION IS RAISED subject to the following conditions.

Conditions to cover the following matters will be appropriate:-

·                      Programme of archaeological works to be agreed

·                      Samples of materials

·                      Sample panels of brickwork, stonework and re-pointing to be prepared and     approved.

·                      Joinery details.

·                      Metal window details.

·                      Metal balcony details.

·                      Submission and approval of a Schedule of Repairs for all existing structures to be      retained.

·                      Details of materials/ colours for all hardstandings, courtyards, pathways and   driveways.

·                      No dwelling units within the New Barn to be occupied prior to the completion of          restoration works to the Stables.

·                      No dwelling units within the blocks containing new apartments 13 -32 to be      occupied prior to the completion of restoration works to the Old Kitchens, Old       Dairy and Old Brewhouse.’



4.1     None received




5.1    Site Description


5.1.1 The application comprises the range of adjoining buildings to the north of Mote House comprising the Stables, the Old Kitchen, the Old Dairy, the Old Brewhouse and Laundry and former racquets court and potting sheds. Mote House and the ear immediately to the east and the Walled Garden some 350m to the east of the main house and an area of existing woodland in between, known as the Pleasure Grounds also form part leased and managed and under development by the applicants.


5.1.2 Mote Park, within which the development site sits, is on the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens of England and listed as Grade II. The site sits in a landscaped setting with woodland and parkland trees and Mote House looks out over a large-man–made lake.


5.1.3 Mote House and the land and buildings subject to this application are located towards the eastern side of the Park away from Maidstone Town Centre.  


5.1.4 Vehicular access to the site is from Willington Street located to the east of the site. 


5.1.5 Mote House is a Grade II* Listed building and was built for the Earl of Romney between 1793 and 1801, the architect was Daniel Asher Alexander who also designed Maidstone and Dartmoor Prisons as well as a number of Lighthouses for Trinity House and London Docks. Alexander was a pupil of Sir John Soanes, the architect of the Bank of England who was a proto-modernist and gave rise to a school of architecture known as ‘Soansian’, a key feature being the design of spaces.


5.1.6 In addition to Mote House, the Stables (Grade II) and The Old Brewhouse (Grade II) are also individually listed. The Brewhouse actually pre-dates Mote House, being erected in the 15th or 16th Centuries and is an example of a Wealden Hall House. The other buildings pre-dating 1948 within the site are also listed by virtue of being within the curtilage of the listed building.


5.1.7 Mote Park and the application site are located within the defined Urban Area of Maidstone as defined in the Maidstone Borough-wide Local Plan 2000.


5.2    Proposal


5.2.1 This is an application for Listed Building Consent relating to the conversion of the existing Grade II listed stables, the Grade II listed Brewhouse and the conversion and rebuilding of the former Kitchens and Dairy (curtilage listed due to their age and location relative to Mote House) to form 15 residential units and would also allow the conversion of the former carpenters’ shed to provide a further single residential unit.


5.2.2 Listed building consent is also sought for the demolition of a number of former potting sheds and ancillary buildings located within the stable yard area which are not considered to be worthy of retention and conversion. Their demolition would facilitate their replacement with new buildings to provide further new-build residential units. 


5.2.3 The proposals represent Phase 3 of the previously approved development at and adjoining Mote House, with phases 1 and 2 underway and substantially completed. The new-build residential units in the walled garden are complete as is Gatehouse Lodge to the east of Mote House. External works have been undertaken to Mote House and work is shortly due to commence on the interior conversion works. The development is intended to provide residential accommodation for persons over the age of 55 with elements of care as required, a number of facilities for use by residents are also proposed in the scheme.


5.2.4           In respect of the Stables and Brewhouse, the proposals include the retention of the existing stone buildings in the stable-yard as they are both buildings of quality, indeed they are separately listed. They are to be converted into apartments for the elderly with a similar approach as used in the main house that aims to retain as much of the original fabric as possible. The original stalls within the stables which are remarkably intact will be refurbished and used for storage by the residents.


5.2.5 The extensive works involved will, for example, include the replacement of windows and doors, restoration and repair of stonework and existing walls and repairs to the Stable clock.   


5.2.6 With regard to The Old Kitchens/Dairy, this building is currently an empty shell in an advanced state of collapse and has no roof. It is proposed to rebuild the old kitchen/dairy in its original form including a shorter version of the original chimney. The internal structure is also of significance. This is characterised by a large hearth which will be retained in the proposed reception area to the health suite which would be accommodated at basement level. The ground floor accommodation is now to be converted to apartments.


5.2.7 The opening-up and investigative works undertaken by the applicants have un-earthed two previously unknown vaults below the old kitchens. One an ice house is located below the dairy, and a second for hanging carcasses, below the old kitchens. The discovery of these vaults was instrumental in bringing about some of the Phase 3 design changes and has also lead to the previously proposed swimming pool which was to have been located under the Old Kitchen/Dairy  being relocated to a site just north of Mote House to enable the vaults to be retained. This revised swimming pool was permitted earlier in 2010.


5.3       Impact on the Listed Buildings


5.3.1   Listed Building Consent was granted in 2006 for the conversion of the Stables Brewhouse and Old Kitchens/Dairy and for the demolition of the buildings in the stable yard. No further demolition works are proposed to those previously approved.


5.3.2   Given the constraints of the stable block building particularly in the area of the entrance archway that have been identified during investigative works undertaken since the 2006 consent, only five units are now proposed enabling the retention of a greater proportion of the original character of the building. Similarly, in respect of the Old Kitchens and Dairy, the discovery of the underground vaults has necessitated a re-consideration of the uses and configuration of this building that has facilitated the retention of the vaults and the existing hearth.   


5.3.3   The previously proposed extension to the carpenters/potting shed which would have involved the moving of part of its western flank wall outwards to enlarge the accommodation has now been deleted from the current scheme. I consider this to be an improvement.


5.3.4   English Heritage and the Conservation Officer consider that the proposals would cause less than substantial harm to the setting of designated and undesignated heritage assets because the extra units do not extend beyond the confines of the historic service complex.


5.3.5   Policy HE9.4 of PPS5 is applicable as the development is not considered to be enabling development because the site is previously developed land within a defined urban area and its development is not contrary to national or local plan policy. Policy HE9.4 of PPS5 states:-


HE9.4 Where a proposal has a harmful impact on the significance of a designated heritage asset which is less than substantial harm, in all cases local planning authorities should:

(i) weigh the public benefit of the proposal (for example, that it helps to secure

the optimum viable use of the heritage asset in the interests of its long-term conservation) against the harm; and

(ii) recognise that the greater the harm to the significance of the heritage asset the greater the justification will be needed for any loss.’


5.3.6   Mote House and the associated service complex of buildings are an important heritage asset. The proposed additional development and works now proposed will secure the optimum viable use of these buildings and ensure their long-term conservation.


5.3.7   Subject to appropriate safeguarding conditions no objections are raised to the proposals.  







6.1    I consider the proposed alterations to the Listed Buildings to be acceptable,           subject to appropriate safeguarding conditions as recommended by English Heritage and the Conservation Officer. The proposed works to convert and refurbish the buildings and bring them into a beneficial use will ensure the long term retention of these heritage assets preserving the setting of Mote House and also the Historic Park beyond.

7             RECOMMENDATION


          GRANT LISTED BUILDING CONSENT subject to the following conditions:     


1.   The works to which this consent relates must be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this consent;

 Reason: In accordance with the provisions of Section 18 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

2.   The development shall not commence until, full details of the following matters have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority:-

 a) New internal joinery in the form of large scale drawings.
 b) New external joinery in the form of large scale drawings.
 c) Details of metal windows in the form of large scale drawings.
 d) Details of metal balconies in the form of large scale drawings. 

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details;

Reason: To ensure the appearance and the character of the buildings are maintained pursuant to the advice in PPS5.

3.   The development shall not commence until the applicant has secured and had implemented a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a written specification and timetable which has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority;

Reason: To enable the recording of any items of historical or archaeological interest pursuant to the advice in PPS5.

4.   The development shall not commence until, a schedule of repairs for all existing structures to be retained has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved schedule unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

Reason: To ensure the appearance and character of the listed buildings is preserved pursuant to the advice in PPS5.

5.   The development shall not commence until, written details and samples of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the building(s) hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the development shall be constructed using the approved materials;

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development pursuant to the advice in PPS5.

6.   The details of materials submitted pursuant to condition 5 above shall include details of the surface treatment, materials and colours of all hardstandings, courtyards, pathways driveways and access ways within the site. The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with the subsequently approved details except as agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

Reason; To ensure the appearance and character of the buildings is maintained pursuant to the advice in PPS5.

7.   No dwelling units within the New Barn permitted under application MA/10/0748 shall be occupied until such time as the restoration works to the Stables have been completed to the satisfaction of the local planning authority and that such approval has been given in writing by the local planning authority.

Reason: To ensure the appearance and character of the listed buildings is preserved pursuant to the advice in PPS5.

8.   No dwelling units within the blocks containing new apartments 13-32 permitted under application MA/10/0748 shall be occupied until such time as the restoration works to the Old Kitchens, the Old Dairy and the Old Brewhouse and laundry have been completed to the satisfaction of the local planning authority and that such approval has been given in writing by the local planning authority.

Reason: To ensure the appearance and character of the listed buildings is preserved pursuant to the advice in PPS5.

9.   The development shall not commence until sample panels of brickwork, stonework and re-pointing have been provided on site and approved by the local planning authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the subsequently approved details and the approved panels shall be retained on site as a reference until such time as works are completed. 

Reason: To ensure the appearance and character of the listed buildings is preserved pursuant to the advice in PPS5.

10.        The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:
 09043/EX(P3)/01, 02, 04-06, 10-16, 09043/LA/(P3)01revA, 09043/GA/P3/01-11, 09043/GA/(A1)/01/, 02, 03, 05, 06, 09043/GA/(A2)/01, 02, 04, 05, 06, 09043/GA/(A3)/01, 02, 04, 09043/GA/A4/01, 02, 04, 05, 09043/GA/A5/01, 02, 04, 05, T/09/776/SK2/P1, SKo3/P1, SK04/P1, SK05/P1, SK06/P1, 09043/GA(A2)01, 09043/GA(P3)11 and T/09/T16/ SK02;

Reason: To ensure the quality of the development is maintained and to preserve the character and appearance of the listed buildings pursuant to the advice in PPS5.


The reasons for granting this consent are that proposed works are considered to preserve the building/setting of the building and its special the building and its special architectural and historic features.