Appendix 3 - 100791

Item 17, Page 122











Loose Parish Council have written to advise that regrettably they will not be represented at Planning Committee due to prior commitments. They send their apologies and state that they wish their objections to be fully considered.

Officer comments

The objections of Loose Parish Council are fully considered within the Committee report.

The applicant has verbally agreed that he is happy to install timber, flush casements, with no greater than 6mm double glazing within the proposed extension. This is in agreement with the details suggested by way of an informative.

I would also like to point out that the number of neighbouring properties which have objected to the proposal is four. (This is incorrectly shown as three in the Committee report). However, the objections are as listed in the report. These were:

-          Impact upon the historic environment, including impact upon the Grade II Listed Building, the Listed terrace and the Conservation Area

-          Impact upon the Area of Local Landscape Importance

-          Residential amenity, including loss of light, overshadowing, overbearing, loss of privacy, outlook and light pollution

-          Impact on drains

-          Design

-          Scale


The relevant objections to this listed building consent application are fully considered within the Committee report.


The recommendation remains unchanged.