

Draft Terms of Reference for the

Strategic Housing Advisory Committee


Committee and Membership



Delegated of Functions

Strategic Housing Advisory Committee


7 Members of the Authority

To give advice to the Cabinet and/or the Cabinet Member with responsibility for housing on;


a)      Housing Strategy, housing needs and the Housing Investment Programme


b)      The provision of housing including the type, size and tenure


c)       The delivery of new affordable homes


d)      Homelessness, temporary accommodation and the provision of housing advice


e)      The council’s Allocation Scheme and performance  of the housing register


f)       Management of the council’s Gypsy sites


g)      The Supporting People programme


h)      Home Improvement Agency, the adaptation of homes including Disabled Facilities Grant


i)        The renovation and maintaining of housing standards within the private rented sector


j)        The provision and licensing of houses in multiple occupation (HMO)


k)      The development of and changes to housing legislation, regulation, national and local policy

l)        To receive reports from and liaise with appropriate housing forum such as the Maidstone Housing Sounding Board, Registered Providers Forum and partnership boards for housing in Kent



Not Applicable