110524 Maidstone Borough Council's Strategic Plan 2011-15 CS OSC

Maidstone Borough Council’s Strategic Plan 2011-2015

Our Vision, Priorities and Outcomes for Maidstone

The Council is committed to and shares the vision for Maidstone, identified in the Sustainable Community Strategy 2009-2020:

“We want Maidstone Borough to be a vibrant, prosperous 21st century urban and rural community at the heart of Kent, where its distinctive character is enhanced to create a safe, healthy, excellent environment with high quality education and employment where all people can realise their aspirations.”


The Council has identified the following three priorities and six outcomes for Maidstone over the next four years.




1.     For Maidstone to have a growing economy

Maidstone will have a growing economy, with a range of employment and business opportunities. In essence, Maidstone is a good place to work and do business.


    Outcomes by 2015


       a transport network that supports the local economy.

       a growing economy with rising employment, catering for a range of skill sets to meet the demands of the local economy.


2.     For Maidstone to be a decent place to live

Maidstone’s urban and rural parts continue to be a clean, attractive and well designed and built environment, with proper respect paid to its diverse and valuable assets; a place where people want to live.


Outcomes by 2015


       decent, affordable housing in the right places across a range of tenures.

       continues to be a clean and attractive environment for people who live in and visit the Borough.


3.   Corporate and Customer Excellence


The Council will have a productive workforce with people in the right place at the right time, delivering cost effective services. Services will be affordable, delivered on time and to agreed standards in an accessible way. We will continue to support our most vulnerable residents and seek to reduce the different forms of deprivation across the Borough in both urban and rural areas.


Outcomes by 2015


       residents are not disadvantaged because of where they live or who they are, vulnerable people are assisted and the level of deprivation is reduced.

       the Council will continue to have value for money services that residents are satisfied with.


Actions from the Strategic Plan relevant to Corporate Service OSC remit

Corporate and Customer Excellence


Seek out and implement new ways of delivering services that are not our core business, such as the Theatre and the Museum


Progress the shared services programme for those services that it is practical to do so and saving can be achieved


Ensure we use performance management data, customer feedback to improve services


Undertake a programme of business improvement service reviews to ensure services are customer focused and delivered efficiently and effectively


Ensure that the authority has a productive, proactive and flexible workforce