110802 CS Work Programme 2010-12

Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Future Work Programme 2011-2012



Items to be considered

24 May 2011


  • Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman
  • Work Programming 2011/12


7 June 2011


·          Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

·          Work Programming 2011/12


5 July


  • Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman
  • Annual Review of Complaints 2010-11
  • The Council as a Business – Scoping Document for Review
  • The Leader and Cabinet members – Written Updates
  • The Marketing of Council Buildings

02 August 2011

·         The Council as a Business?

·         Interviews with Chief Executive and Directors and

·         Interim report on Staff Survey


06 September 2011


·         The Council as a Business? Review

·         1st quarter performance monitoring report

·         Budget  Strategy

·         Interview with Paul Riley

·         LSP thematic quarterly performance report

·         Interviews with external witnesses on best practice

·         Written updates from Committee Members on best practice


4 October 2011

·         The Council as a Business? Review

  • Interview with Leader and Cabinet – mid year
  • progress report


01 November 2011

·         One off item (Community Halls)/The Council as a Business? Review

  • 2nd quarter performance monitoring report


29 November 2011

  • Budget Strategy
  • Strategic Plan

·         LSP thematic quarterly performance report


10 January  2012

·         Agree report for The Council as a Business? Review

·         One off item /Community Halls


7 February 2012

·         The Council as a Business? Review

·         LSP thematic quarterly performance report

  • 3rd quarter performance monitoring report


6 March 2012

·         Agree report The Council as a Business? Review

  • Interview with Leader and Cabinet Progress Over the Year


3 April 2012
