Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for Strategic Risks 2011 -2015










Report prepared by Brian Parsons 



1.           STRATEGIC RISKS


1.1        Issue for Decision


1.1.1   To consider and adopt a new Strategic Risk Register which is aligned with the Council’s priorities as set out in the Strategic Plan 2011-15


1.1.2   To note that the strategic risks in the Register have been allocated to specific senior managers by Management Team.


1.1.3   To note the action that the ‘risk owners’ will be taking in order to manage the risks.


1.2        Recommendation of the Corporate Management Team


1.2.1   That Cabinet adopts the Strategic Risk Register 2011-15 (Appendix A).


1.2.2   That Cabinet notes the action that the allocated senior managers will be taking to manage the risks to the successful delivery of the Council’s key strategic outcomes (Appendix B).


1.3        Reasons for Recommendation


1.3.1   Cabinet agreed a new draft Strategic Risk Register at its meeting on 22 December 2010, subject to any changes to the Council’s key objectives that might emerge through the consultation process.


1.3.2   The new Register was developed through a risk workshop process which sought to identify the risks to the successful delivery of the newly developed strategic outcomes. The Risk Register is intended to align as closely as possible with the Strategic Plan 2011-15.


1.3.3   The Strategic Plan 2011-15 has been subject to consultation and has been formally adopted by the Council. The Strategic Risk Register now similarly needs to be formally adopted.


1.3.4   Management Team has allocated the individual strategic risks to specific senior managers so that they can take personal responsibility for managing those risks as follows:


Risk Description and ‘Risk Owner’


Ψ  ‘The Borough needs a transport network that supports the local economy’ – Interim Head of Core Strategy (Flo Churchill)


Ψ  ‘The Borough needs a growing economy with rising employment, catering for a range of skill sets to meet the demands of the local economy’ – Assistant Director of Development and Community Strategy (Brian Morgan)


Ψ  ‘The Borough needs decent affordable housing in the right places across a range of tenures’ – Head of Housing and Community Safety (John Littlemore)


Ψ  ‘Maidstone needs a clean and attractive environment for people who live in and visit the borough’ – Assistant Director of Environment and Regulatory Services (Steve Goulette)


Ψ  ‘The Council needs to ensure that residents are not disadvantaged because of where they live or who they are; vulnerable people are assisted and the level of deprivation is reduced’ – Head of Housing and Community Safety (John Littlemore)


Ψ  The Council needs to deliver value for money council services that residents are satisfied with’ – Head of Change and Scrutiny (Angela Woodhouse)


1.3.5   The ‘risk owners’ have completed Management Action Plans setting out the required management action, the officer responsible for taking the action and the key dates for the action to be taken by. The Management Action Plans are shown at Appendix B.


1.3.6   The Action Plans will be entered onto the corporate performance management system, Covalent so that actions can be monitored and tracked. The actions will be reported as part of the performance monitoring reports that are provided to Management Team and Cabinet on a quarterly basis.


1.3.7   A report, setting out the Strategic Risk Management process and the Risk Register, will be provided to the Audit Committee at its meeting on 19 September 2011 so that the Committee can ‘monitor the effective development and operation of risk management and corporate governance in the Council’ in accordance with its terms of reference.



1.4        Alternative Action and why not Recommended


1.4.1   Having identified the risks to the delivery of the Council’s key strategic outcomes, it is vital that an effective process is put in place to manage the risks. No alternative action could be recommended.


1.5        Impact on Corporate Objectives


1.5.1   The Strategic Risk Register mirrors the Strategic Plan 2011-15; therefore the effective management of the strategic risks has a direct result on the delivery of all corporate objectives.


1.6        Risk Management


1.6.1   Risk management is the basis of the report. A failure to take the necessary actions would result in a greater likelihood that the risks would materialize with greater impact and that the Council’s objectives will not be achieved.


1.7        Other Implications



1.      Financial




2.           Staffing




3.           Legal




4.           Equality Impact Needs Assessment




5.           Environmental/Sustainable Development



6.           Community Safety



7.           Human Rights Act



8.           Procurement



9.           Asset Management





1.7.2   Some of the strategic risks have financial implications in terms of their management and the treatment applied.


1.7.3    The effective management of strategic risks will require staff and management resources to be committed to the process. However, as the risks are aligned to the Council’s objectives, their management should be part of the broader management process.


1.7.4   Some of the key strategic outcomes relate to service areas which are statutory.


1.8        Conclusions


1.8.1   The Council has committed to a four-year Strategic Plan for delivering its priorities. The delivery of the priorities is subject to risk. Having identified the risks, it is essential that an effective process is put in place to manage the risks and to report progress to Management Team and Cabinet on a regular basis.


1.9        Relevant Documents


1.9.1   Appendices


Appendix A – Strategic Risk Register 2011-15


Appendix B – Strategic Risks – Management Action Plans (at August 2011)


1.9.2   Background Documents


Report to Cabinet 22 December 2010 – Strategic Risks







Yes                                               No



If yes, when did it first appear in the Forward Plan?





This is a Key Decision because: ………………………………………………………………………..






Wards/Parishes affected: …………………………………………………………………………………..

