Appendix A- CIP outstanding actions

Appendix A-Corporate Improvement Plan outstanding actions




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012 Progress and monitor action plans to improve satisfaction on those services where one in five people were dissatisfied with the service.

CIP 012.03

Assess the appropriateness of the actions within action plans in relation to 2010 results


Angela Woodhouse

The Place survey is no longer a requirement and was not carried out in 2010, following national changes.

CIP 012.04

Identify any patterns or trends following the completion of the second survey


Angela Woodhouse

The Place survey is no longer a requirement. However the Council will be monitoring customer satisfaction with services as part of monitoring the Corporate and Customer Excellence priority as identified in the Strategic Plan 2011-15.



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019 Use customer and staff feedback to improve the way the Council delivers services



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Latest Note

CIP 019.01

Hold focus groups to explore how people want to be engaged and develop a robust plan to deliver this


Roger Adley

Our experience from budget, Planning for Real, local development framework and many other consultations suggests that people want to be engaged on the issues and in the ways that interest them - often face to face at venues that are convenient to them. Our consultation tool kit includes this advice. Further focus groups are planned to keep this subject under review.






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020 Determine the top priorities of the Council and ensure that plans, policies and strategies link to these

CIP 020.05

Explore options for a more specialised central project management or project support function


Georgia Hawkes

Recently an officer has temporarily been acting as Corporate Project Manager, providing project management expertise for a number of projects across the Council. This post sits within the Change and Scrutiny Team and has recently been extended until March 2012. At present the Head of Business Improvement coordinates the Council’s approach to projects and provides reports to management team.  Project management for the Hazlitt capital works is currently being provided by another officer not based in the Hazlitt team.  Moving the deadline for this action to 30 September 2011 will allow a report to be prepared for Management Team by the Head of Business Improvement that considers how well these arrangements have worked and suggests a way forward




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021 Ensure equality issues are considered and addressed across the organisation



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Latest Note

CIP 021.01

All staff to undertake equalities training to ensure awareness of the new legislation


Tina Edwards

194 staff have completed the e learning module which is 60% those with access to a pc. Reminders will be sent to staff to encourage them to complete the training.