Work Programme 2011-12

Regeneration & Economic Development

 Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Future Work Programme 2011-2012



Items to be considered

1 June 2011


  • Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman
  • Work Programming 2011/12


28 June 2011


·          Scoping the Transport Congestion Review

·          Appoint Air Quality Working Group


26 July 2011

·          LSP thematic quarterly performance report

·          Visitor Economy Unit update

·          Traffic Congestion Review


23 August 2011

·         Traffic Congestion Review

·         Museum & Hazlitt update


27 September 2011


·         One off item/Traffic Congestion Review


25 October 2011


·         Traffic Congestion Review

·         LSP thematic quarterly performance report


22 November 2011

·         Agree report for Traffic Congestion Review

·         One off item/Begin Major Review – Employment & Skills Review


20 December 2011


·         Begin small Tourism Review


31 January  2012

·         One off item/ Employment & Skills Review

·         LSP thematic quarterly performance report


28 February 2012


·         One off item/ Employment & Skills Review


27 March 2012


·         Agree report for Employment & Skills Review


24 April 2012


·         LSP thematic quarterly performance report