111130_CCTV-Call-in report

Maidstone Borough Council


Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Wednesday 30 November


Call-In: The Future Provision of the CCTV Monitoring Service


Report of: Overview and Scrutiny Officer




1.           Background


1.1.      Councillors Mike FitzGerald and Gordon Newton have called-in the decision of the Cabinet with regard to the Future Provision of the CCTV Monitoring Service


1.2.      In order to assist Members in their consideration of this issue the following documents have been attached to this agenda:



Call-in Form

Report for Decision:

The Future Provision of the CCTV Monitoring Service

 Record of Decision of the Cabinet:

The Future Provision of the CCTV Monitoring Service

Exempt Appendix to the Report for Decision:

The Future Provision of the CCTV Monitoring Service


1.3.      The Leader of the Council, Councillor Chris Garland and the Cabinet have been invited as witnesses to the meeting. In addition, the Director of Regeneration and Communities, Zena Cooke, Head of Housing and Community Services, John Littlemore and Ryan O’Connell, Corporate Projects and Overview and Scrutiny Manager will be in attendance.


1.4.      Following clarification from Councillor Mike FitzGerald it was agreed that the Council’s technical consultant was not required to attend.


2.           Recommendation


2.1.      The reason for calling-in the Cabinet’s decision is stated as:


“To understand the conflicting message sent by Cabinet as a result of the decision being in direct opposition to the Portfolio Holder and Leader.”


2.2.      The Committee is recommended to consider the decision of the Cabinet       against the above reason. The Committee may wish to consider other areas relating to the decision.  This would be at the Chairman’s discretion.


2.3.      Having considered the call-in the Committee has three options for action     with regard to the Cabinet’s decision:


                   i.    Take no action – the decision will be implemented as taken by Cabinet on 9 November 2011.


                 ii.    Refer to the Cabinet – the comments and any recommendations from the Committee will be referred to the Cabinet for reconsideration of the decision within five working days, after which a final decision will be made.


                iii.    Refer to Council – the comments of the Committee and decision of the Cabinet will be referred to Council.  If Council does not object to Cabinet‘s decision it will be implemented.  If Council does object, it does not have power to make a decision unless the Cabinet’s decision is against the policy framework or contrary to or inconsistent with the budget.  Unless that is the case, Council will refer its comments back to the Cabinet for reconsideration of the decision within five working days, after which a final decision will be made.


2.4.   Councillors may also choose to take no action on the decision itself (i.e. allowing it to be implemented as taken) but request further information or clarification on issues raised during the call-in.  This information must be provided within one month, as is the case with ordinary requests and recommendations from Overview and Scrutiny.


3.           Impact on Corporate Objectives


3.1    The Committee will need to take into account the Council’s Corporate Priorities when considering the decision and call-in.