120612 O&S Terms of Reference appendix b



Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee

9 Members












·         Cabinet Scrutiny

·         Performance Management Scrutiny

·         Corporate Documents including the Strategic Plan, Strategic Risk and MTFS

·         IT

·         Business Improvement

·         Customer Care and Complaints

·         Budget Scrutiny

·         Emergency Planning

·         Communications

·         LSP and Locality Boards

·         Legal Services

·         Procurement and Asset Management

·         Licensing

·         Audit Service

Regeneration and Economic Development OSC

9 Members

·         Highways

·         Transport

·         Public Transport

·         Economic Development

·         Support for Business

·         Visitor Economy

·         Learning and Skills

·         Planning

·         LDF and Core Strategy

·         Regeneration projects

·         Employment

Communities OSC

9 Members

·         Community Development

·         Social Inclusions and Equalities

·         Environment

·         Housing

·         Revenues and Benefits

·         Parks and open spaces

·         Environmental Services

·         Waste and Recycling

·         Street Cleansing

·         Active Citizenship and Democracy

·         Neighbourhood Action Planning

·         Vulnerable People and deprivation

·         Crime and Disorder (responsibility for acting as CDRP OSC twice a year)

·         Health

·         Partnerships

Co-ordinating Committee


Overall responsibility for overview and scrutiny, including terms of reference, budget and progress of reviews