8 AUGUST 2012




                                  Report prepared by: David Tibbit



1.                    ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN 2012-2015

1.1                 Issue for Decision

1.1.1            To consider the Council’s Asset Management Plan 2012-2015

1.2                 Recommendation of the Assistant Director of Environment & Regulatory Services


1.2.1            That, following the decision by the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, and examination by the Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee, it is recommended that Cabinet approves the Asset Management Plan 2012-2015, attached as Appendix A, which sets out the Council’s asset strategy for the next three years; and  


1.2.2            That Cabinet recommends to Council that the Asset Management Plan 2012-2015, attached as Appendix A, be adopted.

1.3                 Reasons for Recommendation

1.3.1            In March 2010, the Council adopted the Asset Management Plan 2010/13 as the Council’s property strategy for the following three years. Ensuring that its property strategy reflects the Council’s vision and objectives, and the priorities of a growing economy, for Maidstone to be a decent place to live, and corporate and customer excellence calls for an updated strategy to deal with the management of the portfolio over the next three years.


1.3.2            The main issues covered by the updated strategy include:


●  Building on the recent investment in assets such as the new Offices, the Gateway, the Museum, the Hazlitt Arts Centre and the High Street;


● Forward plans for Park Wood Industrial Estate and other investment assets;


●  Continuing to improve on the utilisation, condition, efficiency and environmental performance of Council assets;


●  Using the Council’s assets to promote regeneration and local business and to provide support to the capital programme;


●            Transferring or selling assets to the local community; and


●  Seeking opportunities for extending shared use of assets with our partners or transfer to community groups.


1.3.2       The Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered the Asset Management Plan 2012-15 at its meeting on 12 June 2012. Its recommendations have been considered by the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and the Plan amended accordingly. 


1.4                 Alternative Actions and why not Recommended


1.4.1            The alternative course of action would be not to approve the updated Asset Management Plan, and is not recommended as it is the duty of a well run Authority to strategically manage its assets to reflect current and planned needs.

1.5                 Impact on Corporate Objectives


1.5.1            Acceptance of the recommendation will contribute to all three of the Council’s priorities – for Maidstone to have a growing economy, to be a decent place to live and corporate and customer excellence.


1.6                 Risk Management


1.6.1       There is clearly significant risk in not having an Asset Management Plan, such as under-performing accommodation that is unsuitable for the needs of the Council’s services which could lead to service failure and reduced customer satisfaction; and inappropriate maintenance regimes leading to increased levels of responsive maintenance expenditure.


1.6.2       Risks associated with detailed asset/project proposals are dealt with as the proposals are developed in accordance with the Council’s risk management strategy.


1.6.3       Risks associated with investment income from property are considered when reviews are undertaken (i.e. Parkwood Industrial Estate) and when individual proposals are considered.


Other Implications















Social Inclusion




Environmental/sustainable development




Community safety




Human Rights Act




Asset Management



1.7.1       Successful implementation of the Asset Management Plan assists in a more economic and efficient use of assets.


1.7.2       Measures are included in the plan to ensure that the Council’s assets remain accessible.


1.7.3       The Plan addresses the impact of the Council’s use of energy and water.


1.7.4       Health & Safety of the community and staff in such issues as the management of asbestos, the risk of legionnella infection, the security of buildings etc., will continue to be managed.


1.7                 Background Documents


1.8.1       There are none.        





Yes               X                               



If yes, when did it first appear in the Forward Plan?


February 2012



This is a Key Decision because it is a Policy Framework Document



Wards/Parishes affected: All