Appendix C


Summary of ‘Other’ work completed by Internal Audit during the period April – September 2012



Strategic Risk Management

Internal Audit is responsible overseeing the development of Strategic Risk Management within the Council. A revised approach to Strategic Risk was agreed by CLT in July. A fundamental review of the Council’s strategic risks will be undertaken by the Corporate and Senior Leadership Team in November.  




Risk Management Policy

This is one of four Policy work streams being carried out by the audit teams within the Audit partnership.  The other topics are Money Laundering, Whistle Blowing and Anti-Fraud and Corruption. Each work stream has sought to identify best practice and policies/strategies that can be implemented across the four Councils.  The intention is to bring a suite of revised policies for consideration by the respective Councils.



Audit Commission Fraud Survey 2011-1

The Audit Commission requires that the Council undertake an internal fraud survey and submit the results in a prescribed format.


Internal Audit coordinated the survey and provided the information to the Commission.

There were no issues arising from the survey. The results of the survey have been included within the recent Audit Commission publication – protecting the Public Purse 2012