Community Right to Bid

Community Right to Bid


Assets of Community Value Nomination form



Part A - About the group making the nomination


A1. Organisation’s name and address


Name of organisation:



Address including post code:





A2. Contact details






Position in organisation:



Address including postcode:





Daytime telephone number:



Email address:



Fax number:













A3. Type of organisation




Please tick all that apply

Registration number (if applicable)

Town or Parish council




Body designated as a neighbourhood forum under the Town and Country Planning Act




Unincorporated bodies with at least 21 individual members and which does not distribute any surplus it makes to its members








Company limited by guarantee which does not distribute any surplus it makes to its members




Industrial and provident society which does not distribute any surplus it makes to its members




Community interest company




Other – please detail







A4. Local Connection


For groups other than town and parish councils, please confirm and provide evidence (see A7) that the group is wholly or partly concerned with the area covered by Maidstone Borough Council or a neighbouring local authority area






A5. Distribution of surplus funds


For groups other than town and parish councils, please confirm and provide evidence (see A7) that any surplus made by the group is wholly or partly applied for the benefit of the area covered by Maidstone Borough Council or a neighbouring local authority area






A6. Membership of unincorporated bodies


For unincorporated bodies please confirm that at least 21 members are included on Maidstone Borough Council’s register of electors and provide their names and addresses below























A7. Your organisation


Please provide a copy of the following as relevant to your organisation


Please tick  documents provided

Memorandum of Association



Articles of Association



Companies House return



Trust Deed



Constitution / Terms of reference



Standing Orders



Interest Statement for Community Interest Company







Part B - About the asset being nomination for inclusion in the list of assets of community value


B1. Name and address of asset being nominated






Address including post code:







B2. Maps and drawings


Please provide information which helps to clarify the exact location and extent of the asset being nominated. This could include:


·         Where the land is registered, the Land Registry Title Information document and map with boundaries clearly marked in red (less than one month old).  Provision of Land Registry information is not essential but it may help us to reach a decision on the nomination more quickly.

·         a written description with ordinance survey location, and explaining where the boundaries lie, the approximate size and location of any building/s on the land and details of any roads bordering the site

·         a drawing or sketch map with boundaries clearly marked in red – websites which might help you in plotting boundaries include: and



















B2. Current use of asset


What is the current main use of the asset?








Do you consider that the current and main use of the asset furthers the social wellbeing or cultural, recreational or sporting interests of the local community?     








If yes, please provide explain how it does so.  If not, go to B3










Over what period is this main use of the asset anticipated to continue?





Does the local community have legal and authorised use of the land or property?


















B3. Questions for assets not currently used for community benefit


If the main use of the asset does not currently further the social wellbeing or cultural, recreational or sporting interests of the local community, did it do so at some stage in the recent past?








Please provide details of how the asset was used in the past and dates of this usage.







How do you anticipate that the asset would return to furthering the social wellbeing or cultural, recreational or sporting interests of the local community?








When do you consider that the asset could realistically return to furthering the social wellbeing or cultural, recreational or sporting interests of the local community?
























B4. Optional information to help us consider the nomination (it is not essential to answer these questions but they reflect part of the criteria we which will be used to consider the nomination.  Any information you can supply will help to speed up this process.


Is the asset used wholly or partly as a residence?  Please provide details.







Is the asset covered by the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960?  Please provide details.





Is the asset defined as operational land under section 263 of the Town and Country planning Act 1990, owned by statutory undertakers such as utility companies?  Please provide details.






B5. Further information


Please provide any further information to support why you feel that Maidstone Borough Council should conclude that the asset is of ‘community value’





















B6. Owner and occupier details (Please provide all information available to you)





Please delete as appropriate









Last known/

Not known/

Not applicable



Lawful occupiers








Last known/

Not known/

Not applicable



Holder/s of freehold estate (if not the owner)





Last known/

Not known/

Not applicable


Holder/s of any leasehold estate








Last known/

Not known/

Not applicable























By signing your name here (if submitting by post) or typing it (if submitting electronically) you are confirming that the contents of this form are correct, to the best of your knowledge.
















Please send your completed form to:


Community Right to Bid,

Facilities Management,

Maidstone Borough Council,

Maidstone House,

King Street,



ME15 6JQ

