appendix a

Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2012-13

Meeting Date

Agenda Items

Details and desired outcome

22 May 2012

·         Appointment of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

·         Work programming workshop


·         Appoint Chairman and Vice-Chairman for 2012-13

·         Select and develop review topics focusing on achievable outcomes.

12 June 2012

·         Asset Management Plan  - Policy Framework Document



·         Consider and make recommendations as appropriate ahead of document being recommended to Council for adoption.

·         Ascertain work plan for the year and strategic direction for the Council.

7 August 2012

·         Budget Strategy







  • Interview with the Leader and Cabinet


  • Annual Performance Plan

·         Annual Complaints Report

·         Complaints quarterly monitoring report (January-March 2012)

  • To consider, advise and make recommendations on the initial budgetary proposals. The Committee’s findings will be taken into account in the report to Council.  The Committee can also canvas the views of stakeholders, if appropriate, and report the outcome to the Executive.
  • Ascertain work plan for the year and strategic direction for the Council.
  • Consider the results and the areas highlighted within the reports, making recommendations to Officers where appropriate.

6 November 2012

  • Performance quarterly monitoring report
  • Complaints quarterly monitoring report


  • Budget Strategy Update




  • Discussion item:  With the Leader of the Council on the Council’s underspend as detailed in the Budget Monitoring Report.
  • Consider the results and the areas highlighted within the reports, making recommendations to Officers where appropriate.
  • To consider the verbal update on guidance and emerging policies from central Government and the impact this will have on the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget setting.
  • To consider the remaining underspend proposals and make recommendations back to the Leader of the Council.

4 December 2012

  • The Corporate Governance Review
  • 2nd Quarter performance monitoring report


8 January 2013

  • Strategic Plan Refresh
  • Budget Strategy and Fees and Charges







  • Refresh of the Improvement Plan


  • Complaints Quarterly Monitoring Report

(Budget, policy framework documents)

  • To consider the document and make recommendations as appropriate.
  • To consider, advise and make recommendations on the initial budgetary proposals. The Committee’s findings will be taken into account in the report to Council.  The Committee can also canvas the views of stakeholders, if appropriate, and report the outcome to the Executive.
  • To consider the document and make recommendations as appropriate.
  • To consider the document and make recommendations as appropriate.

5 February 2013

  • 3nd quarter performance monitoring report
  • Complaints Quarterly Monitoring Report
  • Vexatious Complaints Policy
  • Procurement Strategy 2013-16


9 April 2013

  • Interview with the Leader and Cabinet