12 0324 Urgent Update Planning Committee 10 January 2013

Urgent Update                Planning Committee 10 January 2013

Item 17

MA/12/0324  - Rhencullen, Bridge Street, LOOSE        


Additional information

Attached is the officer report to Planning Committee of 30 August 2012 regarding this application. This should have been attached as an appendix to the current report on these papers. It is referred to in the current report as Appendix 1.     

Further comments received

MBC Conservation Officer has commented that - “These further amendments to the landscaping scheme will help to further reduce its impact on the conservation area and I now consider the proposals to be acceptable”. They therefore also state that they RAISE NO OBJECTION to this application on heritage grounds”.  

Neighbour representations

Attached are the written comments submitted by a local resident in respect of both this application and the previous withdrawn application (MA/11/1872). Also attached are a copy of the historical photographs they submitted with the comments made in respect of the current subject application. They have requested that this is all included in the urgent updates as they were unable to speak at this committee due to the available slots already being taken up.      


The recommended Informative that reads “The applicant is advised that, for biodiversity reasons, the inclusion of species native to the riverbank should be included and incorporated in the landscaping scheme required to be submitted” can be deleted as there is no longer a requirement to submit a landscaping scheme by condition. 



My recommendation to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to conditions remains unchanged.