Appendix B



Broadband allowance paid to members

The Chairman is happy with £24 / month for members - as a maximum amount (although this should be based on the cost of their ISP provider).  As a caveat, it should be ensured that members are submitting receipts for the actual cost of their broadband allowance.  It may also be useful for the council to ascertain whether £23.49 is still a current average payment for a broadband allowance.


Alternatively the council may want to consider integrating the broadband allowance into the regular member’s allowance.  A number of councils are now integrating any broadband IT allowances into their basic allowance.


Leader of the opposition

The view of the chairman is for option c).  This appears to be the easiest to interpret particularly bearing in mind the perception of members of the public.


The Chairman is happy with the role description for Leader of the Opposition.  It should however be clarified whether there are also role profiles for all the other key councillor posts?  The council needs to ensure that role profiles are regularly reviewed and updated, and they should be submitted to future IRP panel meetings.


The Leader of the Council in an email, suggested rounding up the SRA for the group leader.  The view of the Chairman is that this should not be done and rates should be kept at the current level with any revisions submitted for consideration at future meetings of the IRP.


Mark Palmer

Chartered Fellow of the CIPD

MBA (Public)

Development Director

South East Employers


M 07887982602