Notes of the Informal Overview and Scrutiny Coordinating Committee

Wednesday 20 February 2013


Attendees: Councillors Mrs Blackmore, Burton, English, Mrs Gooch, D Mortimer and Paterson

Officers:    Angela Woodhouse and Orla Sweeney


The Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered and debated a number of matters arising as a result of the resolution of full Council to develop a Cabinet with enhanced Scrutiny Model.




·         Level of involvement

·         Flexible

·         Fit for purpose


Enhanced Scrutiny


·         Effective Training

·         Adequately resourced

·         Early involvement in decisions

·         Better relationship with Cabinet

·         Using every tool we have available

·         National support for / select committee, tools/advice/help

·         Making a difference nationally

·         Member Engagement

·         Influencing outcomes/adding value


Which Model?


·         Committees alighted to portfolios – improve accountability

·         But portfolios need reviewing

·         How many?

·         Do we need Advisory Committees?  No use Scrutiny properly


Cabinet Member Accountability


·         Number on Cabinet?  Leader or an even responsibility

·         Re-visit portfolios

·         Portfolios and transparency


Scrutiny Chairman


·         Exercise to develop JD

·         6 weekly co-ordinating committee – daytime


Support for Scrutiny


·         Democratic Services

·         Resilience – turn over – plan 2 fte – dedicated – stay independent


Pre Decision – Work Programme

·         The CfPS approach was agreed as a constructive way forward


Member Apathy


·         Open decision making process cabinet member meetings – recording member input – knowing what’s coming up – practical – use the current period for pre-decision – surgery – quality and evidence base for the decision

·         Appointment process – application – group dynamic

·         The papers shouldn’t need questions

·         Expectations of officers – member conduct – groups – training

·         Induction process – tailored - phased? – mentoring?


Format & Style


·         Read the papers

·         Minutes

·         Monthly meetings

·         Pre-meet to identify issues/ideas – as a guide and prompt – inform & engage

·         When to hold meetings

·         Recommendation making on  the topic as they come up


Work Programme P15


·         Focus on issues members are interested in i.e. housing, planning policy

·         Needs to change

·         Get into the community

·         2 work streams


Forward Plan

·         Better engagement with cabinet

·         Monthly meetings – fed back to scrutiny/involved

Public issues










Recommendation making that achieve outcomes (desirable)

Allow to go off topic dominate questioning


ί     Influencing (perception)     ΰ



Acts fairly/order

Ensure political (P)

Minute taking




·         Suggesting holding consultation (public)

·         Ability to identify topics of public interest

·         Project Management

·         Ensures recs understand dec

·         Leadership





·         Facilitator

·         Arbitrate

·         Adjudicate

·         Mediate

·         Motivate

·         Allow participation

·         Communication skills

·         Involve (particularly new members)

·         Keep control of meeting

·         Good housekeeping


Appointment of Chairman


·         Issue of the majority party taking the chairs

·         Corporate services – currently non-exec chair app

·         Best person for job

·         Policy over party

·         There to facilitate

·         Alternate?