Maidstone Borough Council


Maidstone Borough Council


Corporate Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 30 April 2013


Review of the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Priorities for the Municipal Year 2012-13


Report of: Overview & Scrutiny Officer


1.          Introduction


1.1        Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny has an overarching role within the Overview and Scrutiny structure which includes sole responsibility for Cabinet Scrutiny.


1.2        The Leader of Maidstone Borough Council for the 2012/13 Municipal Year is Councillor Chris Garland.  The Cabinet comprises of Councillor Malcolm Greer, Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development, Councillor Marion Ring, Cabinet Member for the Environment, Councillor Eric Hotson, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Councillor John A. Wilson, Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services and Councillor Stephen Paine, Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development.


1.3        The Leader and Cabinet attended the Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 8 August 2012 to outline their priorities for the 2012-13 Municipal Year


1.4        The Leader and Cabinet have been invited to evaluate the outcomes of their priorities to conclude the year.



2.          Recommendation


2.1    The Committee are advised to consider the verbal updates from the Leader and members of the Cabinet, evaluating the progress made on their priority areas during the 2012-13 Municipal Year.


2.2    The Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee are solely responsible for holding the Leader and Cabinet to account. Issues that the Committee consider priority areas should remain foremost in its mind when considering the Forward Plan of Key Decisions and they should look to include reports, as applicable, in its future work programme.



3.      Reasons for Recommendation


3.1     The Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee are responsible for holding the Leader and Cabinet to account.


3.2     The areas of responsibility for each Member of the Cabinet are detailed at Appendix A


3.3     The minutes of the Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny meeting held on 8 August 2012 when the leader and Cabinet outlined their priorities for the year are attached for reference at Appendix B.


3.4     The Committee may wish to evaluate the remit of the additional Cabinet post of Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development for the 2012-13 Municipal Year.


4.      Impact on Corporate Objectives


4.1     The Committee will consider reports that deliver against all the          Council priorities:


·         ‘For Maidstone to have a growing economy’, ‘For Maidstone to be a decent place to live’, and ‘Corporate and Customer Excellence’.


          4.2    The Strategic Plan sets the Council’s key objectives for the medium   term and has a range of objectives which support the delivery of   the Council’s priorities.  Actions to deliver these key objectives may          therefore include work that the Committee will consider over the           next year.