130827 Draft Work Programme AppA

Economic & Commercial Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2013-14

Meeting Date

Agenda Items

Details and desired outcome

25 June 2013

·         Appointment of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

·         Cabinet Member Priorities for 2013/14 Municipal Year

·         Work Programming Workshop 2013-14


·         Appoint Chairman and Vice-Chairman for 2013-14

·         Ascertain work plan for the year and strategic direction for the Council & Select and develop review topics focusing on achievable outcomes.

30 July 2013



27 August 2013

·         Market Update

·         VIC Update

·         Economic Development Staff Structure

·         To review outcomes from previous scrutiny reviews

·         To understand to new structure for Economic Development

24 September 2013

·         The State of Maidstone Economy

·         Regeneration and Economic Development Plan Consultation

·         Events Review Scoping

·         Contextual information to aid understanding

·         Consultation of proposed plan to make recommendations as appropriate

·         Set framework for review topic.

22 October 2013

·         Events review – Interviews TBC


26 November 2013

·         Events review – Interviews TBC


24 December 2013



28 January 2014



25 February 2014



25 March 2014

·         Events Review Draft Report


22 April 2014

·         Evaluations of Cabinet Member Priorities for 2013/14 Municipal Year

  • Ascerttain progress made on Cabinet member Priorities.