Maidstone Borough Council


Maidstone Borough Council


Economic & Commercial Development

Overview & Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 24 September 2013


Maidstone Enterprise Hub


Report of: Clare Wood


1.      Introduction


1.1     The Council is proposing an Enterprise Hub to provide flexible workspace for small and new start-up business.


 2.     Recommendation


2.1     The Committee is recommended to consider the project overview at Appendix A from John Foster, Economic Development & Regeneration Manager and make recommendations accordingly. 


3.           Maidstone Enterprise Hub


3.1        The Cabinet Member is due to make a decision about funding for Maidstone’s Enterprise Hub in October. The establishment of a Maidstone Enterprise Hub directly relates to the Council’s strategic priority ‘for Maidstone to have a growing economy’ as it would assist start-up businesses, those who want to develop and could encourage more business to the borough.


3.      Impact on Corporate Objectives


3.1     The Committee will consider reports that deliver against the     following Council priority:


·         ‘For Maidstone to have a growing economy.’


3.2     The Strategic Plan sets the Council’s key objectives for the medium   term and has a range of objectives which support the delivery of         the Council’s priorities.  Actions to deliver these key objectives may      therefore include work that the Committee will consider over the       next year.