Appendix B


Proposed orders receiving objections to the Prohibition of Stopping on the Footway or Verge, Variation No2, Order 2013.


MAIDSTONE; Bower Close


3 Objections Including 21 signature petition, 3 comments 1 support


Objections were raised on the grounds that the imposition of a prohibition of parking on the footway & verge would have a significant detrimental impact on the local residents who currently suffer from a lack of parking, and It will therefore have a direct influence on parking levels also the dispersion of vehicles into other street would also have a detrimental effect on the other residential streets.


Recommendation: To recommend to the Cabinet Member not to proceed with the proposal.



MAIDSTONE; Chatham Road


2 Objections were received on the grounds that the proposal to create a prohibition of parking on the footway & verge would have a detrimental influence on the residents and visitors as they have no alternative parking and other roads in the area are already congested, There is also a busy shop with limited parking whose business could be seriously jeopardised if these restrictions are imposed. Why this restriction is limited to the area between Monckton’s Lane and Calder Road as you will find a far worse situation down Calder Road and indeed throughout the whole estate where streets are crammed with cars parking on the pavement to allow room for the buses to pass through.


There is clearly a local problem with obstruction of local authority footways provided for pedestrians and damage to public property (verges and posts).

It is inevitable that there will be dispersion effect, this will have to be monitored if the proposals are approved and if necessary further restrictions may need to be implemented, however this will need to be managed carefully to reduce the impact on residents although we must appreciate that there is not an infinite amount of space on street.


Recommendation: To recommend to the Cabinet Member to proceed with the proposal.



MAIDSTONE; Mote Avenue


3 Objections Including 21 signature petition from 18 properties although 4 had also responded separately, 1 was subsequently withdrawn after further clarification,   2 comments and  6 letters of support were also received.


The main objections were raised on the grounds that the proposals were ambiguous and they do not make it clear if the restrictions include the access road to the residents properties, residents and their visitors occasionally use the approach ramp and grass verge to park, however the use of the footpath is never impaired and they only use the verge when there is no more room for vehicles on the drive outside the properties. To lose this would be unfair to the majority of residents on the Avenue, and would have a detrimental influence on the residents and visitors.


There is currently signage stating under Section 86 of County of Kent Act 1981 No vehicles on Mown Verge which is not at present being enforced, there is also a byelaw which is intended to preserve the road margins, the proposed restriction will supersede these and enable our Civil Enforcement Officers to enforce the above restriction, regrettably our mapping system does not depict the access’s to the properties however it is not our intention to enforce these areas.


Recommendation: To recommend to the Cabinet Member to proceed with the proposal.
