Item 1, Page 25

Item 13, Page 32






Wierton Place, Wierton Road,

Boughton Monchelsea

Boughton Monchelsea Parish Council


The Parish Council have raised the following points:


·      They have not seen the viability assessment.


·      Little regard has been given to the strength of feeling that exists in objection to the applications in view of the petition of over 1200 signatures.


·      There is a contradiction as the report for MA/11/0511 states that the proposal is a departure from the development plan but the report for MA/11/0512 states that the proposed development complies with the development plan.



Officer Comment:


The viability assessment is confidential information and is on ‘yellow’ confidential papers on the Committee agenda for Members. This is why the Parish Council has not been sent a copy.


The petition is referred to in the report, has been fully considered, and officer’s reasons for the recommendation are clearly outlined.


This listed building consent (LBC) application complies with the development plan as it is judged to represent acceptable works to listed buildings. (LBC deals only with internal and external changes and not the creation of new dwellings, as considered under the separate planning application MA/11/0511). As such, the reference to this as a reason for referral to planning committee is an error.


The reason for Committee referral for this LBC application is solely the objection from the Parish Council.






My recommendation is unchanged.