Item 23, Page 286


Reference number: MA/13/1635



Councillor Nelson-Gracie is unable to attend the Committee meeting, but has provided additional comments reiterating his views, as set out below:


“Unfortunately, although I called this item in to the Planning Committee, I will not be able to attend on 06-Feb-14. My reasons for calling in this application are set out on page 290 of the Officer’s report, however I would like to highlight some of the issues I have raised:

·         The site is on previously developed land (a brownfield site) and this application will tidy up an untidy site

·         The area is not in a protected landscape area and is not an isolated dwelling

·         The site will shortly be even less “in the countryside” once the Marden hockey and cricket club has been built out, as it adjoins this site

·         The site is well related to the village, one of the reasons the hockey and cricket club was sited where it is

·         The application represents a high quality sustainable design, aiming to attain code 5 environmental standards

·         The landscaping proposals will strengthen the boundary treatment, delivering a number of ecological and bio-diversity enhancements

·         It will respect and enhance the relationship with neighbouring  properties, as part of a cluster of high quality residential properties

·         As part of the NPPF, the Borough is not able to demonstrate a five year housing supply as part of the draft HLS, indeed the supply is currently around 2 years. Therefore the NPPF presumption in favour of sustainable development should be accorded full weight, and this additional residence will count towards the supply

For these reasons I would urge that you APPROVE this application.”


My recommendation remains unchanged.