Appendix Bd

Economic & Commercial Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2013-14

Meeting Date

Agenda Items

Details and desired outcome

25 June 2013

·         Appointment of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

·         Cabinet Member Priorities for 2013/14 Municipal Year

·         Work Programming Workshop 2013-14


·         Appoint Chairman and Vice-Chairman for 2013-14

·         Ascertain work plan for the year and strategic direction for the Council & Select and develop review topics focusing on achievable outcomes.

30 July 2013



27 August 2013

·         Market Update

·         VIC Update

·         Economic Development Staff Structure

·         To review outcomes from previous scrutiny reviews

·         To understand to new structure for Economic Development

24 September 2013

·         The State of Maidstone Economy

·         Regeneration and Economic Development Plan Update

·         Maidstone Enterprise Hub

·         Skill and Employability Work Programme update

·         Contextual information to aid understanding

·         Update on Regeneration & Economic Development Plan

·         To provide the committee with an overview of the project and expected outcomes.


22 October 2013

·         Interview with Cabinet member for Economic & Commercial development- Vision for visitor economy

·         Interview with Cabinet member for Corporate Services – leasing of Town Hall Foyer

·         Agree review Scope


·         Follow up from the ViC review 2012 and provide background to events review

·         Follow up from the ViC review 2012

26 November 2013

·         Interview with Alan Reading – Maidstone Tourism Association

·         Interview with Cllr Moss & Zena Cooke – Town hall foyer lease

·         Provide background and information about events review

·         Follow up from the ViC review 2012

24 December 2013



28 January 2014

·         Interview with the new Head of Economic & Commercial Services

·         To inform the committee of strategic direction of the economic and commercial functions


25 February 2014

·         Maidstone Enterprise Hub Update - Deferred

·         Events review – The Social – Outcomes - Deferred

·         Ken Scott – Maidstone Area Arts Partnership

·         Progress update –requested by cmt

·         Provide background and information about events review

25 March 2014

·         Events review – The Social – Outcomes

·         Events Review – Hazlitt – Park Wood Leisure

·         Events Review – Museum of Kent Life

·         Events Review – The Town Team – Jenny Hunt

·         Provide background and information about events review

22 April 2014

·         Evaluations of Cabinet Member Priorities for 2013/14 Municipal Year

·         Enterprise Hub Update

  • Skill and Employability Work Programme Update

·         Review of the year

  • Ascertain progress made on Cabinet member Priorities
  • To provide the committee with an update on the projects and outcomes to date.
  • Ascertain committee’ s contribution


In addition, the following items for the upcoming year were suggested by the Head of Commercial and Economic Development that the Committee may wish to look at in detail:

  • Events and Festivals Strategy
  • Museum Business Plan
  • Economic Strategy


It was also indicated that the results of a Business Survey, which has been conducted to inform the Economic Strategy, will be available for the meeting to decide the future work programme on the 1st July. This may be useful to the Committee to inform their review selection.


A follow up on the recommendations made in the events review should be expected in December/January.