Report for MA 13 2134

APPLICATION:       MA/13/2134 Date: 11 December 2014  Received: 12 February 2014



Mr Bala Waran, F G Barnes & Sons Ltd.








Maidstone, Otham




Refurbishment of existing motor retail dealership as shown on Application Form received 11th December 2013, Plan numbers 0100, 0002, 0110, 0111, 0210, 0220, 0250, 0251, 0170, 0171, 0211, 0600 received 6th February 2014, Design and Access Statement received 12th February 2014 and plan numbers 0270 RevA, 0271 received 9th April 2014 and ownership certificate received 10th April 2014.






1st May 2014


Kevin Hope


The recommendation for this application is being reported to Committee for decision because:


    ●    the council is the owner of the site.


1.       POLICIES


·         Maidstone Borough-Wide Local Plan 2000:  R18

·         Village Design Statement:  N/A

·         Government Policy:  National Planning Policy Framework 2012


2.      HISTORY

Most recent and applicable history listed below

MA/04/1416 - Installation of aluminium cladding and decorative canopy - Approved with conditions


MA/04/1308 - An application for advertisement consent for 2 No internally illuminated letters signs B, E & C, 1 No illuminated sign A, illuminated 2 No illuminated letters and logo signs F & 1 internally illuminated signs P, Q, J, K, L, N, M and 2 No illuminated totem signs O and G - Approved with conditions


MA/93/0604 - Internally illuminated fascia pylon and canopy signs and non-illuminated directional and welcome signs - Approved with conditions


MA/91/0781 - Change of Use to sale and display of motor vehicles - Approved with conditions


MA/92/1048 - Refurbishment and elevational alterations to existing vehicle showroom together with the erection of external canopy provision of additional hardstanding area steam- cleaning bay and landscaping alterations - Approved with conditions


MA/80/0175 - Construction of new agricultural equipment showroom with workshop and stores together with landscaped display area - Approved with conditions


MA/79/1074 - Advertising board - Approved with conditions




3.1     Otham Parish Council – No comments received



4.1     No representations received




5.1    Site Description


5.1.1  The application site comprises an existing industrial building within the Parkwood Industrial Estate which falls within the parish of Boughton Monchelsea. The estate is designated for B1 (offices and light industry) and B2 (general industry) uses under policy ED2 of the Local Plan or car sales and showrooms under policy R18. The site is within the defined urban settlement boundary of Maidstone.


5.1.2  The application site relates to a two storey industrial building with aluminium cladding and large glazed panels to the side elevations.  There is also a large canopy to the southern elevation. The building is currently occupied by F G Barnes, a sales branch of the Vauxhall motor company which includes the sales forecourt surrounding the building.


5.1.3  There are two residential properties to the west of the building, one of which is a Grade II listed building.


5.2    Proposal


5.2.1  Planning permission is sought for the refurbishment of the existing motor retail dealership.  This would involve the alterations to the fenestration of the building, replacement and alterations to the cladding, removal of the existing canopy to the southern elevation as well as alterations to the forecourt for the display of vehicles.


5.3    Principle of Development


5.3.1  In terms of the principle of development, the use of the building as a car sales showroom is established and is compliant with policy R18 of the Maidstone Borough Wide Local Plan 2000.  The refurbishment and redevelopment of buildings to maintain this continued use is generally supported providing the details of the proposal are acceptable in terms of their design and impact.  This will be assessed within the sections outlined below.


5.4    Visual Impact


5.4.1  The main considerations involved within this application are the potential impact upon the existing industrial building, impact upon the streetscene and impact upon neighbouring amenity.


5.4.2  In terms of the impact upon the existing building, the removal of the canopy to the southern elevation would be beneficial to the appearance of the building. The alterations to the fenestration in the elevations would appear modest and appropriate in form.  The cladding is typical of an industrial building of this type, although samples of cladding would be required by condition to ensure the colour is acceptable.  It is noted that the elevations and floor plans split the building in to two dealerships which has resulted in different cladding to the exterior.  This reflects the corporate colours of the businesses involved and I do not consider this represents any significant harm.  Discussions have taken place with the agent to negotiate alterations to the elevations.  This included cladding the remaining brickwork and removing the retained plinth to create a consistent appearance.  Amended plans have been submitted to this effect which I consider an improvement to the scheme. Overall, I do not consider this proposal would cause harm to the character or appearance of the building


5.4.3  In terms of the impact upon the streetscene, clearly the building is prominent within this area, although as discussed above, I consider the proposed scheme is acceptable in terms of its design and would relate well to the existing building.


5.5    Residential Amenity


5.5.1  In terms of neighbouring amenity, by virtue of its location and scale of the proposed extension and its proximity to neighbouring properties, there would not be a significant impact with regard to neighbouring amenity including loss of light, privacy, outlook or overshadowing.


5.6    Highways


5.6.1  In terms of highway matters, the existing access to the site would be maintained and therefore the impact upon Bircholt Road would be insignificant.  There would be alterations to the parking arrangements for vehicles within the site, although this would not significantly reduce the available parking provision, and in my view, would not lead to any significant highway safety issues.




6.1     It is therefore considered overall that the proposal is acceptable with regard to the relevant provisions of the development plan and amenity impacts on the local environment and other material considerations.  I therefore recommend that the application should be approved subject to the following conditions.



GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to the following conditions:   


1.           The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission;

Reason: In accordance with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

2.           The development shall not commence until, written details and samples of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the building works hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the development shall be constructed using the approved materials;

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development.

3.           The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:

Application Form received 11th December 2013, Plan numbers 0100, 0002, 0110, 0111, 0210, 0220, 0250, 0251, 0170, 0171, 0211, 0600 received 6th February 2014, Design and Access Statement received 12th February 2014 and plan numbers 0270 RevA, 0271 received 9th April 2014 and ownership certificate received 10th April 2014.

Reason: To ensure the quality of the development is maintained and to prevent harm to the residential amenity of neighbouring occupiers.




The proposed development, subject to the conditions stated, is considered to comply with the policies of the Development Plan (Maidstone Borough-Wide Local Plan 2000) and there are no overriding material considerations to indicate a refusal of planning consent.