Committee Report

APPLICATION:       MA/14/0579         Date: 8 April 2014 Received: 8 April 2014



Mr & Mrs J  Parker








West Farleigh




An application for a two storey rear extension as shown on drawing nos: 14/2100, 2101, 2102A and 2099.






12th June 2014


Graham Parkinson


The recommendation for this application is being reported to Committee for decision because:


          ● It is contrary to views expressed by West Farleigh Parish Council


1. 0    POLICIES


Maidstone Borough-Wide Local Plan 2000:  ENV28, H18

Draft Maidstone Borough Local: DM4, DM8

Residential Extensions SPD
Government Policy:  NPPF 2012, NPPG 2014




MA/96/0905 - Erection of a front porch-APPROVED- Aug 27 1996





3.1     West Farleigh Parish Council – Wish to the see the application refused as it represents over intensive development of the site. Also concern regarding how the surface water will be discharged as it does not seem clear in the application.



4.1     2 neighbours consulted – 1 objection received which is summarised as follows:


-      Bedroom windows of the proposed addition will overlook garden reducing privacy.

-      Will appear out of character with the locality.

-      Will harm outlook from a bedroom window while causing loss of light and overshadowing to this window.

-      Have a major issue with the party wall which will be affected by the proposed development.




5.1    Site Description


5.1.1  The site is occupied by a semi detached house sited on the east side of Charlton Lane and lies within the isolated settlement of Farleigh Green defined as such in the adopted local plan.


5.2    Proposal


5.2.1  Involved is the erection of a two storey rear addition having a rear projection of 4.668 metres. At ground floor the addition will extend across the whole width of the existing house. At first floor the proposal will butt up against and follow the roof line of an existing single storey rear addition on the common boundary and falling within the ownership of 7 Charlton Lane. The first floor essentially comprises a gable end though with the roof above the existing eaves level incorporating a half hip and steeply sloping catslide roof on the side of the property overlooking 3 Charlton Lane and reflecting that proposed on the boundary with 7 Charlton Lane. 


5.2.1 The proposed addition will enable provision of a dining room and kitchen at ground floor with two bedrooms at first floor enabling the house to go from a three to a four bedroom unit.


5.3    Principle of Development


5.3.1  The site falls within the identified village confines of Farleigh Green. Extension of houses in village confines are subject to policy H18 of the adopted local plan and the residential extension’s SPD adopted in 2009. There is no objection to the proposed development on principle and consideration turns on matters of detail being the size, design and siting of the proposed addition and the impact on the outlook and amenity of residents overlooking and abutting the site. 


5.4    Size, Design and siting:

5.4.1  The adopted residential extensions SPD requires that the scale, proportion and height of extensions should be subordinate to the original house and fit unobtrusively with the building and its setting.

5.4.2  Dealing first with the design of the addition, in the absence of objections based on its size and siting, which will be addressed later, it is considered to represent an acceptable example of domestic architecture to which there is no inherent design objection.

5.4.3  Given the size, design and siting of the proposed addition at the rear of the house, it is considered that it will appear subordinate to the existing house. In addition the separation distance between adjoining properties will remain the same. Taking also into account the nature of the surroundings, being that of a developed frontage in a rural settlement, it is not considered that the addition will result in a material overdevelopment of the site or harm the character or layout of the wider area.

5.5    Residential Amenity


5.5.1  Objections to the proposal revolve around the excessive size of the addition and that it will result in material of loss outlook, privacy, daylight and sunlight to adjoining houses. The residential extensions SPD normally requires ground floor additions to be limited to 3 metres in depth and 1st floor additions to be set well off the common boundary with an adjoining property unless site circumstances permit otherwise.


5.5.2  There is already a narrow rear addition to 7 Charlton Lane and sited on the common boundary with 5 Charlton Lane, which defines the rear projection of the proposed addition. This existing addition is capped by a steeply sloping catslide roof which already partly obscures the outlook from a bedroom window close to the boundary in 7 Charlon Lane. The intention is that this roof slope will be continued up and the key issue, given the existing impact of this roof on the outlook from the bedroom window in 7 Charlton Lane, is whether the proposal will materially worsen the existing outlook from this window. It is considered that the proposed roof will slope so steeply away from the window that any additional loss of outlook will only be marginal and not sufficient to justify objection to the proposed development on these grounds.


5.5.3 Regarding loss of outlook to the amenity space immediately abutting the rear of 7 Charlton Lane, this area is already partly dominated by the bulk of the existing rear addition. As such it is not considered that upward extension of this by a steeply sloping roof following the same plane as the existing roof will add materially to the impression of bulk currently experienced. It should also be noted that the 7 Charlton Lane lies to the south of the proposed addition and as such access of sunlight and daylight will not be affected.


5.5.4  Loss of privacy has also been raised but given that all windows will continue to look down the garden existing privacy standards will not be materially affected.


5.5.5  Turning to the impact on 3 Charlton Lane to the north, given (a) a ‘flank to flank’ separation distance of just under 4.5 metres, (b) that the addition will project just over two metres beyond the rear main wall of this property and as such falls within the SPD recommendations and (c) given the recessive bulk of the steeply sloping catslide roof, the impact on 3 Charlton Lane is considered to fall within acceptable limits.


5.6    Highways


5.6.1  The property already has off street parking for in excess of three cars in the front garden. This already meets Kent Highways parking requirements and the proposed addition will not therefore add materially to this. In the circumstances there is considered to be no objection to the proposal on highway or parking grounds.


5.7       Other Matters


5.7.1   Concerns raised relating to the impact on the party wall are noted. However this is not a material planning consideration and as such cannot be taken into account in the determination of this application.


5.7.2   The Parish Council’s concerns relating to the discharge of surface water are also noted. However this is a matter to be resolved under the Building Regulations and does not fall to be considered as part of this application.




6.1     The proposed addition by reasons of its size, design and siting, will appear as a subordinate addition reflecting the intentions of the residential extensions SPD while having no material impact on the outlook or amenity of adjoining properties.   Furthermore the siting of the property in a developed frontage in a rural settlement means that the addition will not result in an overdevelopment of the site or have any material impact on the character or layout of the locality.


6.2     In the circumstances it is considered that the proposal is worthy of support and that planning permission should be granted as a consequence.




GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to the following conditions:





1.   The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission;

Reason: In accordance with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

2.   External materials used in the development hereby approved shall match the existing building.

Reason: In the interests of visual amenity.

3.   The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:as shown on drawing nos: 14/2100, 2101, 2102A and 2099.

Reason: To ensure the quality of the development is maintained in the interests of visual amenity.

Note to Applicant

In accordance with paragraphs 186 and 187 of the NPPF, Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) takes a positive and proactive approach to development proposals focused on solutions. MBC works with applicants/agents in a positive and proactive manner by:

Offering a pre-application advice and duty desk service.

Where possible, suggesting solutions to secure a successful outcome.

As appropriate, updating applicants/agents of any issues that may arise in the processing of their application.

In this instance:

The application was considered by the Planning Committee where the applicant/agent had the opportunity to speak to the committee and promote the application.