140715 Appendix A - Cabinet Member for Communities and Leisure Services Cll Perry

The priorities for 2014/15 have been identified as follows:-


Parish Liaison



·           Parish Charter refresh


·           Parish Volunteering Policy


·           Relationship with Parishes


The relationship with Parishes will be high priority and will be addressed through the following actions:


-       Establish a programme to visit as many Parish Councils as possible.

-       Request evidence supporting Parishes’ views on housing numbers and housing allocations.

-       Attend all meetings of the Maidstone Branch of the Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC).

-       Meet with Joint Parishes Group to discuss issues of concern and evidence to support housing targets and housing allocations.

-       Refresh the Parish Charter. This is well underway and discussions have already taken place with representatives from KALC.


The aim of the above will be to build on the work already undertaken. The objective will be to ensure that there is a balance between urban and rural areas and to reassure rural areas that they are being fairly treated.


Health Inequalities Action Plan

Adults and Older People (incl. people with disabilities)

·           Dementia Friendly Communities


·           Digital inclusion


·           Fuel poverty


·           Hoarding


Young People (incl. people with disabilities)

·         Young NEETS (Not in Employment, Education or Training)


·         Young Carers


·         Mental Health (self harm)

Safer Maidstone Partnership Priorities

·           Anti-social behaviour


·           Reducing Re-offending


·           Road Safety (Killed or Seriously Injured)    


·           Substance Misuse


·           Violent Crime: Domestic Abuse


·           Violent Crime: Night Time Economy                                           


Supporting Disadvantaged Communities

·      Maidstone Families Matter (Troubled  Families)


·      Financial Inclusion


Parks and Leisure

Activities in this area include, inter alia, the following:

·      Mote Park


·      Maidstone Leisure Centre managed through Maidstone Leisure Trust and SERCO

·      Events and sports bookings


·      Parks and Open Spaces


·      Play Areas; there are 69 Play Areas.  Oversee play area improvement programme


·      Allotments –managed through Maidstone Allotment Management Committee


·      Trees and Tree Inspection which covers all MBC trees in the Borough


·      Cobtree Manor Estate



It is noted that there is some cross over to other Portfolios, most notable being Economic and Commercial Development.