Work Programme
















Date of Meeting



Title of Report

Contact Officer

14 July 2014

Benefit Fraud Annual Report 2013/14


Filmer Wellard, Investigations Manager

14 July 2014

Internal Audit Annual Report 2013/14

Russell Heppleston, Audit Manager

14 July 2014

Audit Committee Annual Report 2013/14

Russell Heppleston, Audit Manager

14 July 2014

Internal Audit Process Refresh Report 2014/15

Rich Clarke, Head of Audit Partnership

14 July 2014

Treasury Management Performance 2013/14

Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Resources

14 July 2014

External Auditor’s Audit Plan 2013/14

Paul Holland, Senior Accountant

14 July 2014

Audit Committee Progress Report July 2014

Paul Holland, Senior Accountant

14 July 2014

External Audit Fees 2014/15

Paul Holland, Senior Accountant

14 July 2014

Local Code of Corporate Governance - Update

Angela Woodhouse, Head of Policy and Communications

14 July 2014

Annual Governance Statement 2013/14


Angela Woodhouse, Head of Policy and Communications

14 July 2014

Statement of Accounts 2013/14

Paul Holland, Senior Accountant

15 September 2014

Follow-up Progress Report on the Audits which Received Limited Assurance in 2013/14

Rich Clarke, Head of Audit Partnership

15 September 2014

External Auditor’s Audit Findings Report 2013/14 and Statement of Accounts 2013/14

Ellie Dunnet, Chief Accountant

15 September 2014

Irrecoverable Business Rates - Procedures

Stephen McGinnes, Head of Revenues and Benefits

24 November 2014

External Auditor’s Annual Audit Letter 2013/14


Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Resources

24 November 2014

Treasury Management Strategy Mid-Year Performance 2014/15, including Review of Rates of Return

Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Resources

24 November 2014

Annual Governance Statement Action Plan Update

Angela Woodhouse, Head of Policy and Communications

January 2015

Treasury Management Strategy 2015/16

Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Resources

January 2015

Review of Risk Assessment of Budget Strategy 2015/16 Onwards

Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Resources

January 2015

Internal Audit Interim Report

Russell Heppleston, Audit Manager

30 March 2015

Certification of Financial Claims and Returns

Stephen McGinnes, Head of Revenues and Benefits

30 March 2015

Internal Audit Operational Plan for 2015/16

Rich Clarke, Head of Audit Partnership

30 March 2015

Grant Thornton - Enquiries of Management and Audit Committee As Those Charged With Governance

Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Resources


Review of Financial Thresholds in the Contract Procedure Rules


Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Resources


Audit Committee Member Skills

Rich Clarke, Head of Audit Partnership


Review of Corporate Policies

Rich Clarke, Head of Audit Partnership


Strategic Risk Register – Action Plans

Rich Clarke, Head of Audit Partnership


HR Assessment of Benefits of IIP Accreditation

Dena Smart, Head of HR Shared Service