Appendix A: Draft Future Work Programme

Meeting Date

Agenda Deadline

Agenda Items

Details and Desired Outcomes

Witnesses and Report Authors

29th July

16th July

·         Cabinet member priorities-written report

·         Draft Commercialisation Strategy

Members would like cabinet member to provide a report highlighting priorities, and then to question him on this report.


Meeting will begin at 7.30pm.

·         Cabinet member

·         Marcus Lawler

26th August

13th August

·         Events and festivals strategy

·         Events review SCRAIP follow up

·         Draft Scoping Document for Twilight Economy Review

These items will come together as requested by the committee during the work programming workshop at the meeting of 1st July because it was felt they were related.


Scoping document for Twilight Economy review for members to comment on.

·         Laura Case

29th September

(re-arranged from the meeting of the 23rd September)

17th September

·         Enterprise Hub proposals

Meeting re-arranged in order to provide an update on the proposals for the Enterprise Hub

·         Karen Franek

21st October

8th October

Joint Meeting with Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider the Employment Land Qualitative Report and the Economic Development Strategy.


Implications for the local plan, hence the joint meeting. Needs to take place before the Economic Development Strategy cabinet member decision is taken.


28th October

15th October

·         First set of Witnesses for Twilight Economy review

·         Formation of Maidstone Culture and Leisure

·         Museum Forward Plan



First set of witnesses for Twilight Economy Review.

·         First witnesses for Twilight Economy Review, as specified in scoping document

·         Laura Case

·         Dawn Hudd

25th November

12th November

·         Second set of witnesses for Twilight Economy Review

·         Skills and Employability Update

Following the update on skills and employability projects the committee will consider whether it wishes to conduct a review on skills and employability.


Second set of witnesses for the Twilight Economy Review.


·         Second set of witnesses for Twilight Economy Review

·         Abi Lewis

·         Karen Franek


23rd December

10th December

Draft Twilight Economy Report ready for sign off by the Committee



27th January

14th January




24th February

11th February




24th March

11th March




28th April

15th April







Suggestions TBC



Using the River Medway

This item has been considered by the Scrutiny Coordinating Committee and has agreed that this can be considered by this Committee. The Committee needs to decide whether to take this as an item.

Policy for Discretionary Business Rates Relief

Only if MBC can have an influence on business rates. Meeting with Chair/Vice Chair and relevant Officers will determine whether this is the case. Due in August/September.

South East Local Enterprise Partnership

Only if MBC can have an influence on any of this. Meeting with Chair/Vice Chair and relevant Officers will determine whether this is the case.

Barriers and opportunities for rural business/IT infrastructure in offices (broadband)

These will be considered following scrutiny of the employment implications of the local plan in October.