Decision details

Corporate Planning Timetable

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To seek approval for the timetable for the creation of a new Strategic Plan and that will be created alongside the Medium Term Financial Strategy.



1.  The Corporate Planning Timetable included at paragraph 3.3 to the report be approved subject to the addition of Members being added to the list of consultees for August-September 2024.

Reasons for the decision:

The Strategic Plan is a core element of our corporate planning. The priorities and outcomes in the Strategic Plan are developed alongside the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) to ensure consistency between priorities, service delivery and budgets. Service Planning allows the Council to convert high level priorities from the Strategic Plan into actions for each directorate, service or team across the Council, which then feeds into individual staff priorities.


The current Strategic Plan was developed in 2018 and planned to run until 2045. Following the recent local election in May 2024, the Council has appointed a new Leader and they have appointed a new Cabinet. The Leader and Cabinet have requested that a new strategic plan be developed this year. This report sets out a timetable for developing the Strategic Plan in parallel with an updated Medium Term Financial Strategy.


The new Leader and Cabinet bring with them a new vision and priorities for the Borough. As such a new Strategic Plan is required. The Leader’s speech at Council in July set out new priorities for the administration.


The timetable proposed includes engagement with Members and residents both formally and informally. As we are also required to consult annually on our budget it is proposed to include this in our resident survey already scheduled for 2024. As well as the survey we will also hold engagement activities in August through to the end of September. The results of the engagement will be used to inform the new Strategic Plan, priorities and budgets.


Corporate Planning Timetable





26 July 2024


Agree approach to development of updated MTFS and key assumptions

August – September 2024

Online and in person activity

Resident and Stakeholder Consultation and Engagement on Strategic Plan and budget

October – December 2024


Officers develop MTFS and detailed budget proposals for 2025/26 in parallel with development of new Strategic Plan. Informal consultation takes place with Cabinet and Policy Advisory Committees

December 2024


Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement published

January 2025

All Policy Advisory Committees, Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Consider draft Strategic Plan, MTFS and 25/26 budget proposals

5 February 2025


Approve Strategic Plan, MTFS and 25/25 budget proposals

19 February 2025


Approve Strategic Plan, MTFS and 25/26 budget


This was considered by Climate Transition, Corporate and Environmental Services Policy Advisory Committee on 8 July 2024 who recommended that Cabinet approve the report recommendations. At Cabinet an amendment to the recommendations was made to include Members in the consultation and engagement period in August – September 2024 in the Corporate Planning Timetable.

Alternative options considered:

Option 2: Refresh the current plan

As the existing plan runs until 2045 the current administration could choose to maintain the current priorities and refresh the milestones. As the new administration wishes to put in place a new plan and priorities this is not recommended.


Option 3: Retain the current plan

The plan was last updated in 2023 and would be due an update this year. As a new administration is in place this is not recommended.


Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Other reasons / organisations consulted

report sets out the process for developing a new strategic plan including consultation


Policy Advisory Committees, OSC and Residents

Contact: Angela Woodhouse, Director of Strategy, Insight & Governance Email: Tel: 01622 602620.

Report author: Angela Woodhouse

Publication date: 24/07/2024

Date of decision: 24/07/2024

Decided: 24/07/2024 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: