Issue - meetings

Annual Governance Statement - Mid Year Update

Meeting: 15/11/2021 - Audit, Governance and Standards Committee (Item 53)

53 Annual Governance Statement - Mid-Year Update pdf icon PDF 135 KB

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The Head of Policy, Communications and Governance presented her report providing an update on the progress made against the Action Plan for 2021/22 contained in the Annual Governance Statement for 2020/21 which was approved by the Committee in July 2021.  It was noted that progress had been made across all areas identified for action.  For example:


·  Progress had been made and actions were planned to ensure compliance with the new Financial Management Code.


·  Actions had been taken in respect of key corporate risks which had been identified.  In response to the risks associated with the contraction in the retail and leisure sectors, work on the Town Centre Management Strategy had been approved as part of the Council’s Action Plan for Recovery and Renewal which had been reported to the Policy and Resources Committee and which included funding for the Strategy itself and for activities in and promotion of the Town Centre.


·  Work was continuing on the new Executive Model of Governance which would be introduced at the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2022.  The next phase was drafting the new Constitution which was a substantial and critical piece of work.  Training was planned for Councillors and Officers on the new arrangements prior to their commencement.


In response to a question, the Head of Policy, Communications and Governance advised the Committee that since the changes to the Constitution would be substantial, it would not be practical to show them as track changes to the existing document.  However, every effort would be made to highlight the key differences and the areas that remained the same, and briefings could be arranged.


RESOLVED:  That the update on progress against the Annual Governance Statement Action Plan 2021/22, as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Head of Policy, Communications and Governance, be noted.