Issue - meetings

Cobtree Estate Update

Meeting: 25/01/2022 - Cobtree Manor Estate Charity Committee (Item 60)

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The Leisure Manager introduced his report providing an update on activities at the Cobtree Manor Estate since the last meeting of the Committee in November 2021.  It was noted that:


Cobtree Manor Park


·  Car park income at the end of quarter 3 stood at £89,315, which was a positive variance of around £11,000 against the revised budget.


·  The winter lights trail in December 2021 had proved to be a great success for the Manor Park and the Borough.  24,934 people had visited the Glow event over 17 days, generating £9,987 in additional car park income.  Feedback from the debrief meeting to be held with the events company could be reported to the Committee.


·  The volunteer workforce would be in the Manor Park that day planting around 2,000 hedgerow saplings around some key borders and along sections of the bridleway.  The opportunity to establish a new orchard at Kent Life was being investigated.


Cobtree Golf Course


·  November 2021 had been a successful month at the Golf Course, more profitable than November 2019 which was pre-Covid.  A drainage project to improve playing conditions on the 1st, 2nd, 9th, 12th and 18th holes had been completed.


Kent Life


·  The site was now in its winter maintenance period and would re-open for the February half term.


·  The Cobtree Shed Group had moved to its new base at Kent Life and was working with staff at the Manor Park to remove equipment from the Elephant House.


Cobtree Café


·  Further repairs were required to the paths outside the toilets and would be undertaken soon.


Members congratulated the Officers and the events company on the success of the Glow event and asked for a debrief in due course, including investigation of other festive attractions such as a Father Christmas.


During the discussion, it was pointed out that the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Officers had met with representatives of the Cobtree Charity Trust Limited the previous day.  At that meeting, the Trustees had indicated that they were keen to pursue the possibility of relocating the carriages currently housed in the Carriage Museum to the Cobtree Manor Estate.


RESOLVED:  That subject to the points raised in the discussion, the update on activities at the Cobtree Manor Estate since the last meeting of the Committee in November 2021 be noted.