Issue - meetings

Cobtree Manor Estate Financial Position Report

Meeting: 26/07/2023 - Cobtree Manor Estate Charity Committee (Item 13)

13 Cobtree Manor Estate Financial Position Report pdf icon PDF 135 KB

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The Senior Finance Manager (Client) introduced his report summarising the financial position of the Cobtree Manor Estate as at 31 March 2023.  The report covered activities at the golf course, Kent Life, the Manor Park and the residential properties.


The Senior Finance Manager (Client) advised the Committee that:


·  The report provided an update on the provisional outturn position for the activities of the Estate for 2022/23 and showed a surplus of £133,119 for operational activities which was £58,149 more than budgeted for.  The main reasons for this were:


The golf course contract payment had been received in full, against a prudent budget that assumed that only 80% of the contracted sum would be received.  This meant that additional income of £34,541 had been received.


There had also been underspends across the controlled running costs budgets which reflected prudent budget setting during the pandemic.  There was an opportunity going forward to review these underspends with a view to offsetting some of the anticipated impact of the new golf course contract.


Car parking income was slightly down against the budgeted figure, but this was offset by additional income from the café and, overall, the budgets for the Manor Park were underspent.


·  Given the positive outturn performance and with a healthy bank balance towards the end of the year, an additional repayment was made to the Council in respect of the car park construction costs.  This meant that the loan would now be repaid a year earlier than was anticipated.


·  There were no issues to report in relation to the 2023/24 budget, and a more detailed update on the financial position would be brought to the next meeting of the Committee.


RESOLVED:  That the financial position of the Cobtree Manor Estate as at 31 March 2023 be noted.