Issue - meetings
1,000 Homes Programme – Individual Scheme Updates (Five sites)
Meeting: 07/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 134)
134 1,000 Homes Programme – Individual Scheme Updates (Five sites) PDF 154 KB
The increased works costs for Bathstore,
Land at Granville Road and Britannia House, be approved, taking
note of scheme performance summaries in Appendix 1 to the report.
To approve the switch in tenure from Affordable Rent to Social rent
for all 4 sites and in addition the 7 Market rented units to social
rented units at the RBL site.
2. The Director of Finance, Resources and Business Improvement, be given delegated authority, to appoint the preferred contractor to carry out the necessary building works as per the tenders for Britannia House, Corbens place, Land and Granville Road, and the Bathstore noting that the Corbens place works tender was returned under the works budget previously approved.
Meeting: 30/01/2024 - Housing, Health and Environment Policy Advisory Committee (Item 126)
126 1,000 Homes Programme – Individual Scheme Updates PDF 155 KB
The Cabinet Member for Housing and Health introduced the report and stated that changes were proposed to increase the amount of properties in Council housing projects that would be available for social rent, and that approval was required to enter the construction contracts on three (of the five sites) at a higher cost than previously agreed. The Council had received an indicative grant offer from Homes England to deliver more homes at social rent which would allow the Council to borrow less, and largely offset the proposed additional construction costs. It was emphasised that social rent would be more beneficial for residents in temporary accommodation than affordable rent.
The report was welcomed by the Committee particularly that an increase in the amount of properties for social rent.
In response to questions, the Director of Regeneration and Place stated that the affordable and social rent charges would increase with a formula each year. It was highlighted that the grant offered from Homes England (for social rent) was nearly double the grant offered if the properties were delivered as affordable rent.
1. The increased works costs for Bathstore, Land at Granville Road and Britannia House, taking note of scheme performance summaries in Appendix 1, be approved.
2. The switch in tenure from Affordable Rent to Social Rent for all 4 sites and in addition the 7 Market rented units to social rented units at the RBL site, be approved.
3. The Director of Finance, Resources and Business Improvement, be given delegated authority, to appoint the preferred contractor to carry out the necessary building works as per the tenders for Britannia House, Corbens place, Land and Granville Road, and the Bathstore noting that the Corbens place works tender was returned under the works budget previously approved.