Issue - meetings

Outside Body Appointments

Meeting: 19/06/2024 - Democracy and General Purposes Committee (Item 21)

21 Outside Body Appointments pdf icon PDF 145 KB

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The Democratic and Electoral Services Manager introduced the report and explained the following proposed amendments: That

·  An additional recommendation be added, as detailed in point 3.3 of the report, to recommend to the Council to expand Maidstone Street Pastor Management Committee to the Penenden Heath and Fant and Oakwood Members;

·  The Constitution be amended to reflect the in practise allocation of Outside Body vacancies to Cabinet Portfolios as detailed in 2.1 to the report. If these changes were agreed, this would impact the number of vacancies available for the Maidstone Twinning Association; and

·  The Upper Medway Internal Drainage Board have its membership restrictions changed to being able to appoint Cabinet Members for the reasons as set out in 2.2 to the report.


The Committee agreed the amendments with the addition that the Maidstone Street Pastor Management Committee be expanded to any Members interested from all wards in the Borough.


There were the following vacancies:

·  One for Cutbush and Corrall Charity. A nomination form had been received from Councillor Khadka;

·  One for Kent AONB Joint Committee. A nomination form had been received from Councillor J Sams; and

·  Two for Maidstone Twinning Association. Nomination forms were received from Councillors Higson, Thompson and Wales.


Members agreed the nominations for Cutbush and Corrall Charity and Kent AONB Joint Committee. It was requested that the Maidstone Twinning Association be approached to request if all three nominees could be appointed. It was also agreed for a report on South East Employers to be brought to a future Committee meeting.



1.  Council be recommended to properly reflect which Outside Bodies are related to Cabinet portfolios and which are for appointment by this committee (as set out in table 2.3 to the report);

2.  It be noted that, at the outside body’s request, Relate Mid Kent in no longer an outside body and will be removed from the list of outside bodies;

3.  The nominations as set out in Appendix 2 to the report for Cutbush and Corrall Charity and Kent AONB Joint Committee be approved with Maidstone Twinning Association to be approached to request appointment of three Members;

4.  The Maidstone Street Pastors Management Committee be expanded to include all wards;

5.  A report on South East Employers be brought to a future meeting.