Issue - meetings

Disposal of Raigersfeld House and Lodge

Meeting: 12/05/2011 - Cabinet Member for Corporate Services (Cttee) (Item 1.)

1. Disposal of Raigersfeld House and Lodge pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Additional documents:


1.  That the freehold disposal of both Raigersfeld House and Raigersfeld Lodge, by way of auction at the reserve price set out within the Exempt Appendix of the Report of the Assistant Director of Environment and Regulatory Services, be agreed.


2.  That the Corporate Property Manager be given delegated authority to engage the services of a local auctioneer to market the premises for the next available auction.


3.  That the Head of Legal Services prepare the auction contract(s) for the premises based upon the terms agreed by the Assistant Director of Environment and Regulatory Services in consultation with the Director of Regeneration and Communities, and the auction contract(s) contain covenants restricting the premises to residential use only.


4.  That should the premises fail to reach reserve, the properties be marketed by private treaty  through a local Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) accredited  Commercial Agency practice who shall be obliged to provide to the Council a valuation of Best Consideration to demonstrate that any offer received matches or exceeds this valuation.